Time will decide and every one will see which one is superior when there would be an actual bout between the two and let us wait when and where these beasts confront head on.
only smugglers can offer and afford so much money only at some points of the border other wise a common man is not so rich to pay so much money.Infiltration by cutting the fence is not an ordinary man,s job it is surly terrorists attempt.
Establishment conducted an experiment with the financial support of foreign elements and removed an elected pm/govt at the will and wish of many internal and external players but that experiment failed miserably theoretically and practically then why establishment should jump in to save the...
where is MAMA QADER BALUCH now a days he used to march accompany many Baluch females for release of missing persons and one day he himself disappeared along with whole bunch of females and reappeared one day in India sitting in the lap of his permoters/paymasters.
yes yes yes.Arrested female bomber will tell many things useful to track ,capture and eliminate the masterminds and trainer of female suicide bomber.This is realy a big achievement of our security agencies.Many lives would be saved due to this single arrest.
Absolutly a third party/country job other wise pakistanies are not intrested not involved and dont like such terrorist activities so dont play in the hands of our enimies they want this hatred and polarisation in our society.security forces must rise up and take swift actions to eliminate and...
BRAILVY are killed by deobanddi and vice versa.Dont use name sunni none of them are actual sunnies most of them are Biddaty and call themself Big sunni
.The sect of muslims which more strictly follow sunnah are Ahlay hadees as per my own observations while living in and out of pakistan.Any how...
Ik is a new hero of pakistanies all others are, most of them,certified swindlers and no article like this one can change the ground reality .people of pakistan love him,respdect him and believe him what he speaks due to his honesty truth and dotless record .He will be back with absolute majority...
Bahaut Dheet loog hayn bayizzty ki izzat afzaaee kehtay hayn.clown misleading and misguiding their people who simply believe their fictions.Let them try once more our response would put them in pool of shame if they still have
.No one believe this man NSA,s new fiction