That period is over and all pakistanies are singing against them now but not against our real defenders i.e soldiers and officers, but against few high brasses meddling in politics.
Frustrated and defeated elements of BLA rentals are just showing that they are still alive as per desire and planes of their guardian foreign agencies.slowly all these goons would be wiped off and eliminated INSHA ALLAH.
what about brand new J-10C, this bird can,t do the same or more than that of what do you expect from v.old Mirage -2000 while getting their spare parts would be another headach for PAF.
In my humble opinion this is absolutely a fake news and throwing this fabricated story in the market have hidden aims and targets of weapons selling nations.
Money would be paid from same account from where we would pay about450 million dollers to overhaul or refurbish our F-16 fleet .USA still has to pay us the money for services and other logistics support we provided to their forces while they were fighting in AFGANISTAN. USA would not give...
First of all get those gunship helies released from us army stores.Those were manufactured under a contract and approval of us congress and ready to be shipped to pakistan but halted to deliver by us govt.long ago. Should be managed to deliver to pakistan.
THIS is not nonsense but reality if you agree or not but RIGHT power should be handed over to majority party as per costitution.soldiers are recruited to fight for the defense of their homeland and our soldiers faught in E.PAKISTAN as per their duties with their blood and bones.
Bhutto was son of a British made Feudal lord and as per Bhutto,s late wife Nusret Bhutto, Bhuttos are born to govern only and that is running in their blood and at the end Z.A BHUTTO even revolted against Ayoub khan who was the president of pakistan at that time.
THIS is not nonsense but...
But even with so much modern equipments and tools and huge trained fighting force,USA badly defeated in Vietnam bcz you cant win a war against sons of the soil.
Main culprit was Bhutto who refused to accept supremacy of majority party and her right to rule the country and YAHYAH khan a greedy man to remain as president of the country sided with Bhutto and result was evident that a small force with inedequite fighting tools pitted against your own...