Wagner chief said Ukraine is sending wave after wave of endless cannon fodders :/ god bless Ukrainian men if they existed after the war
As much as I hate Russians I still support Russians on this war because we all know who brought this war upon Russia and it's meant to bring back unipolar world
Usa is trying it's best that Russia use some of it's tactical nukes on Ukraine, there's no way Russia is going to lose this war they would use everything they have at its disposal
Let's be straight and honest who is going to suffer the most from this war , Russia ,Ukraine and eu from eu UK and...
LoL if that makes u happy u know what the end results are
There's a saying in Pakistan being an enemy of USA is dangerous but being an enemy of USA is fatal
“Zelensky will have to flee to the USA,” American expert
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will flee to the West long before Russian troops reach him, Colonel Douglas McGregor, former adviser to the US Secretary of Defense, has said.
The clown shouldn't be allowed to leave alive