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  1. M

    If PAF was Selecting Which MRCA wud Fit

    no its no only an export version its an updated and new aircraft much different from the su35 except for the airframe which is based on the flanker 27 model also i am waiting for a clarification on the tvc on fc20 at present the present saturn engines have no tvc at all not even 2d
  2. M

    If PAF was Selecting Which MRCA wud Fit

    the su35 is in service already with the russian airforce since ages the one is development is SU35BM or flanker 35-E- class its different than the su35 so need to specify which one you are mentioning
  3. M

    If PAF was Selecting Which MRCA wud Fit

    ok thanks sir i agree you are right in the approach would you please mind explaining the tvc part of fc 20 lets have the real config of planes at the present time and not what it might be in the future that will make a healthy discussion...
  4. M

    If PAF was Selecting Which MRCA wud Fit

    ok guys why not be realistic and ask fc20 from what i gather it uses the saturn lukshya engine at present which as no tvc not even 2d no question about 3d vectoring then how does the thread starter mention tvc in the fc20/j-10b? also people have called for the su35BM well there are 7 of them...
  5. M

    India's New Arms Have Pakistan in Focus

    actually my pakistani and indian friends the problem this members from either side pick out on news or posts that try to malign each other always there are at many times quite splendid analysis of news and some senior tt members here do post some quality developments but the rest always pick on...
  6. M

    Rafale Out of MRCA Consequences FOR PAF

    ha ha ha the indians have become too mature diplomatically they are using the mrca to its full potential i guess what was the hidden deal that got the rafale back ? first it was the gripen then rafale they are extracting much more than the mrca it seems.
  7. M

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    The Indian Air Force has denied reports that the Dassault Rafale has been eliminated from the country’s medium multi-role combat aircraft competition. “We have not ruled anyone out yet in the MMRCA competition,” says an IAF spokesman, who confirmed that the service is responsible for...
  8. M

    hello adi nice to see you

    hello adi nice to see you
  9. M

    Swat deal shows Pakistan’s weakness: US think tank

    your answer is exactly correct sir it depends on how the pakistani goverment is willing to act so the entire quote by the americans is correct that the swat deal shows pakistans weakness if only the GOP had taken the confidence of the people of swat before then the taliban would not have gained...
  10. M

    hello nitesh so you are a new member well we have another nitesh on pdf too

    hello nitesh so you are a new member well we have another nitesh on pdf too
  11. M

    Sikh families leave Orakzai after Taliban demand jizia

    thanks for the answer miss now here is my POV. 1. you said GOP didnt want to hand over power to the islamists so they didnt implement the sharia law before when it means now the GOP has failed to curb these islamists and has given in to their demands which in a bigger context implies that...
  12. M

    Real Taliban are not terrorists.

    thanks a lot topgun for speaking straight when it matters,
  13. M

    Swat deal shows Pakistan’s weakness: US think tank

    thanks sir for that elaborate answer there much appreciated but there again comes up the question in your very post you said that the taliban did try to implement its sphere to influence in other pasts also unsuccessfully though then dosent it prove the intentions of the taliban clearly that...
  14. M

    Real Taliban are not terrorists.

    i have come to know thw word taliban means a student/follower of islam i might be wrong please correct me if i am. if the above statement is true then offcourse they are not because islam dosent not teach you hatred in any form as far as i know again correct me if i am wrong. but who can...
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    Sikh families leave Orakzai after Taliban demand jizia

    highly appreciate it miss but the present situation and the nitty-gritties are not available on the net what you find on google is a biased opinion depending on who wrote the article, if its an american he will blast it and if he is a taliban sympathy man he will try to prove it as the best...
  16. M

    Swat deal shows Pakistan’s weakness: US think tank

    can any pakistani friend here confirm me which other state or part of pakistan has the support of locals when it comes to sharia law. members here have argued that it was the locals who supported this specific law so it was implemented fine does it imply then that the taliban would not spread...
  17. M

    Sikh families leave Orakzai after Taliban demand jizia

    none of the members even tried answering my genuine questions raised on the previous page what do i take it as? simply people are ignorant about the full details like i am so the whole point of discussions via debate becomes illogical. just like the whole idea of imposing these taxes are...
  18. M

    Sikh families leave Orakzai after Taliban demand jizia

    i have some honest qestions on the whole issue. 1. what happens to those families who are unable to pay this taxes including both muslims and non muslims here? 2. is the tax uniform for all means people from different workgroups do all of them have to pay the same amount of it depends on the...
  19. M

    India test fires nuclear-capable Prithvi missile

    these kinds of test are a routine functional test and takes place for time to time the most important part would be to know if they tried the new seeker system on this missile too as the one which they tried on the recent brahmos. "The new seeker is unique and would help us to hit our targets...
  20. M

    If voted to power BJP will send army troops to Pakistan: Rajnath Singh

    ha ha lol yes army troops on a goodwill visit i guess. when will they learn to speak i wonder.
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