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    US official threatens Russia with ‘sharp pain’ inflicted ‘very fast’

    "Sooooo, why hasn't Russia invaded Ukraine?" Because That is exactly what Washington want
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    ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

    The striking thing is seeing how the quality of the Trolls that post to this forum has dropped, it is worrying, we no longer deserve good quality Trolls
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    Some explanations why China constrains freedom of expression

    In America the ruling class needs two commercial teams because the population is divided into two nations, two cultures, two identities. In China the ruling class needs only one political party because there is only one nation. This tight summary is just that, a very tight summary, but I think...
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    Some explanations why China constrains freedom of expression

    American ... Demo-crazy / Drama-cracy It is a branch of the entertainment industry since around 1991/2000 Professor Chalmer Johnson believed that the American political system would classically evolve into a type of military dictatorship because it is the largest military empire the face of...
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    Some explanations why China constrains freedom of expression

    By the word "democracy" we may be referring to democracies such as those in Switzerland and Denmark ... or on the contrary, it can refer to the theater for the entertainment of the plebs in the USA, which has an oligarchic-plutocratic political system
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    Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

    "La Mancha" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Mancha La Mancha belongs to us, the enthusiastic readers of "Don Quixote de la Mancha" because we have a sentimental link with these lands. That is why and following our literary tradition we are going to unleash Terror on the population of "La...
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    Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

    The reality of "our colonial project" is unrelenting "our colonial project" was founded by Russian and Polish terrorists, and from the beginning the idea was to hit and hit to get a response and then hit harder, and the first aggression was that of the British Empire which in a monstrous (1917)...
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    Iranian Daily Publishes Map of 'Targets in Israel' Tehran Could Strike in Case of Armed Conflict

    The reality of "our colonial project" is unrelenting (1) "our colonial project" was founded by Russian and Polish terrorists, and from the beginning the idea was to hit and hit to get a response and then hit harder, and the first aggression was that of the British Empire which in a monstrous...
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    Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

    We We, Argentine Catholics, claim the territories that once belonged to the Pope https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_States We We, Russians and Poles of Italian and Syro-Greek-Turkish-Persian descent, passionate readers of "Don Quixote de la Mancha", have a special sentimental link with...
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    Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

    Chistianity disappeared many centuries ago, what survived was Roman imperial religion in a different guise On the other hand, rabbinic Judaism (200-1875) has been almost completely replaced by Zionism
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    Iranian Daily Publishes Map of 'Targets in Israel' Tehran Could Strike in Case of Armed Conflict

    (Beirut) One question that has always puzzled me is: when zionists write in a public forum who are they addressing (?) either they are taking us all for fools or they are drunk on their own propaganda, probably both
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    Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

    "Our colonial project" Ze'ev Jabotinsky was Russian and his secretary Polish: Benzion Netanyahu "Our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) was founded by Russians and Poles Judaism in Greek and Roman times was an enormously widespread religion, in particular it spread like wildfire among women, and...
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    Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

    "Jezabel (Isabel) and the damn Fernando" ... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_of_Jews_from_Spain In short: it seems to me that you are a Greek angry with the Turks who happen to be Muslims, and from there you want to rewrite the entire history of the Mediterranean since Pharaoh...
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    Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

    Who (ca. 711) were the "Spaniards" (?) Muslims, Jews and Christian-Romans from southern Spain (from Seville and Cordoba) or the Goths-Christians in Toledo https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goths
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    Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

    The troops of Moses/Musa came to "Spania" (ispanya/Hispania) ... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musa_ibn_Nusayr ... at the invitation of Artobas son of Witiza https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wittiza
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    Israeli imaginary nuclear weapons

    "The Europeans and the Americans support Israel because of their hate for Islam and the Middle East" No "Our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan" is the core of the Judeo-Roman/Christian religion The Great Rag Doll in the hands of ventriloquists in their pamphlets (also...
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    Pakistani Taliban kill police officer guarding polio jab team

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Peshawar_school_massacre !? they are some kind of apocalyptic group (?) I would like to understand this striking phenomenon What kind of crazy fantasies they have in their heads, or is it a violent reaction from some kind of resentment or a bit of...
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    Pakistani Taliban kill police officer guarding polio jab team

    But do they have some kind of claim, what do they want, what moves them?
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    Pakistani Taliban kill police officer guarding polio jab team

    One question: are these Taliban against the vaccine or is it an excuse to kill policemen ?
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    Close Call For Saudi F-15 Over Yemen !

    But do you say that because you think it or do you just say it to be annoying?
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