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  1. Sid

    Pakistan sets up tri-command nuclear force: officials

    I admire the last paragraph of the article. It exhibits maturity at all levels and gives encouragement to the idea that South Asia can prosper without war clouds in the sky.
  2. Sid


    Well since there you go again with your short temper, I think I should respond. So far, I've told no one to 'shut up'. If being a military person, you still find hard to follow 'rules' and being told to follow 'rules' amounts to 'shut up', then you've enlightened me quite a bit. I know to a...
  3. Sid

    Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

    Whoa! So tension driving them nuts means they go on a rampage around streets of Iraqi cities and target random houses and the people inside them for fun or tension release? That is some logic! There is NO justification for what was done and am sure there are many more incidents like this yet...
  4. Sid


    Seems to me you're the only one who has taken that personally. For Indians using too much slang and throwing their weight around, that is the best example to be used as commonsense would suggest. The use of that example does not suggest that you are from 'Mumbai' or 'amchi Mumbai'. It only...
  5. Sid

    F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

    He's not coming up with such talk on his own. He said all that in reply to questions that came up during a press brief after he had discussions with the Punjab governor. He assuerd that PAF would be a force to reckon with within the next seven years.
  6. Sid

    Lessons of a failed intervention

    Border control? Israeli leaders talk of establishing some kind of security belt along the Lebanese side of the border, an idea tried in many permutations with painful results from the invasion of the south in 1978 until the final withdrawal in 2000. Unless there is a very significant...
  7. Sid

    Lessons of a failed intervention

    History repeats with a vengeance In the first of a two-part series, he looks at how this round of violence compares with - and was born of - previous conflicts. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, the initial pretext - reflected in the codename given to the operation, Peace for Galilee...
  8. Sid

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    Alas, you still do not get what I'm trying to say. The movie part wasn't mentioned to understand, in your words, America's evil designs on Arabia but it was merely used as an additional tool to see if you could get what I was trying to convey. Secondly, I'm not asking you to accept things...
  9. Sid


    Yes, in different threads and on different occasions.
  10. Sid

    Lessons of a failed intervention

    Israeli aim not comprehensible? What more do people need to see to comprehend what the plan is? Its the destruction of Lebanese civil society in every possible way. Bomb their infrastructure, push them back to antiquity, hoping that the Lebanese people would start pointing fingers at Hezbollah...
  11. Sid

    Pak may send troops to Lebanon

    Apparantly, the lady is stuck in late 2004 or early 2005 when Pakistan was actually the biggest contributor to UN peacekeeping operations. She should've checked the statistics again to update herself. Note: Raptor, quit acting like a Mod or telling what Mods should do or shouldn't do. You...
  12. Sid


    Even after all that you do not seem to learn. Your 'macho' attitude and the heavy use of slang like the one in the post above, won't get you anywhere. Instead you will find your posts heavily edited to conform to forum rules. This isnt 'anchi Mumbai', please do remember.
  13. Sid

    Lessons of a failed intervention

    They're not playing around Jana. They're just part of a short-sighted strategy, poor planning and sheer arrogance. Have a look at the following article. Knife in the back —Uri Avnery After the war, the enthusiasm will simmer down and the Israeli army will start investigating its...
  14. Sid

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    Enough depends on a lot of factors, as in how much is population expected to grow by (births, deaths, net migration), how many people would enter the job market, the speculative aspect of growth, etc etc. You can google the rest. I really dont have time for economics lessons. Sorry
  15. Sid

    Gun Ownership, Is it justified?

    Yes, TexasJohn, you can go and visit the market place in Darra AdamKhel with a friendly Pakistani anytime. The folks there love to show off their skills and their arsenals.
  16. Sid


    Yes, the next thing you will ask me to do for you is fix your dinner. Right! Dont worry, if its warnings you want then keep ur inbox empty and from now on, every rule you break, will result in a warning. And after enough warnings, a ban will be discussed among us Mods before any can come in...
  17. Sid

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    Jobless rise as US economy slows US unemployment rose last month for the first time this year, providing further evidence that the economy is slowing. The US economy added 113,000 new jobs last month, fewer than expected, and this pushed the jobless rate up to 4.8% from the 4.6% reported in...
  18. Sid

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    Aha! You misunderstood my last post. I wasn't saying that America is the cause of Arab problems nor that America is the sole provider of luxuries, etc to them. I did not even say that Arabs wasting money was America's fault. That thought is just absurd. My very first line of the second para was...
  19. Sid

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    Mr. Concerned, what you fail to realize is that in the Arab world, much of the Islamicate world; there is a 'vacuum' of sorts between the rulers and the ruled. That happens when there is no democracy and no interest in what the local populace thinks. The rulers are people, never elected by their...
  20. Sid


    Yes I know how easy it is to play the 'victim card', but trust me it wont get you or anyone else anywhere. When members have their own intellect to go through forum rules and understand them as well as consider online forum etiquettes, we, the Mods, wouldn't have to babysit people like we've...
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