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  1. Tihamah

    Syrian fighter jet reported missing lands in Jordan; pilot asks for politic

    Allahu Akbar & Alhamdu lillah it is just another nail in bashaar's coffin, that genocidal mass murderer have no future, in this life or in the after life. A an honest pilot, his humanity and sense of honor and just prevented him from going like a dog to kill women children and innocent people.
  2. Tihamah

    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    Ok i know you are trying so hard to market turkish-german tank to us, but just to let you know me and the other Saudi Arabians in this forum are not the ones who signing the contracts, so take it easy and relax, what ever you write to us here have zero effect specially if you know we are not...
  3. Tihamah

    India, China Agree to Jointly Explore Energy Assets Overseas

    China is taking over south china sea, no one is stopping them, Obama seems gutless and can't confront them, the only hope for countries in that region specially the philippines Mit Romney gets elected and stops the Chinese exapnsion.
  4. Tihamah

    UAE working on a 500Kg and 1000Kg variant of the Ybhon Xtreme JDAM

    Mashaallah, the UAE are bulding UAV's and Jdams and ships, this is very important in case of conflict they (we) have the ammunitions and other needed things locally so they wouldn't get blackmailed by sellers. I salute the UAE & GCC they are ahead of the rest in thats part of the world by...
  5. Tihamah

    Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

    leopard 2A7+ is the best tank in the world with out any doubt (for those who knows any thing about tanks not internet experts who read numbers and evaluate weapons from arm chairs), its the only tank superior to Abrams, i'm glad we got it fully upgraded from the germans as well, since the US...
  6. Tihamah

    Libyan Missiles Show Up In Gaza

    if this is true, it is a good news, but i believe it is a lie by the israelis.
  7. Tihamah

    U.K., U.S. at Odds Over Saudi Deal

    well i'm not worried about thier "internet" propoganda, reality is not made on internet, though i agree with you we need to falsify all the lies calmly with logic and proves & always remember we have the upper hand. it is ok Irfan every oen forgets things, specially when it is old like 20...
  8. Tihamah

    Saudi Arabia F-15 Silent Eagle and F-35 JSF

    the one we should be buying is F-22 if they are willing to sell 20 of them will be enough :) Saudi Arabia shouldn't even consider any F-18's at all, it is old & it is inferior to the F-15 by miles. Saudi Arabia shouldn't consider either F-35 unless it is fully upgraded, more EF Typhoon is...
  9. Tihamah

    U.K., U.S. at Odds Over Saudi Deal

    that completely un-true, it was two Mirage F-1 full upgraded and fully armed trying to attack ras tannurah port :) i have even the interview with the pilot identifying the two enemy jets :)
  10. Tihamah

    Saudi scientific team obtains 3 US patents with the use of nanotechnology

    Masha`allah :) that wouldn't be possible with current iranian regime, hope some day iran have friendly relations with all of their nieghbors and becomes a prosperous and rich gulf nation, maybe becomes a member of the GCC too, but this only happens if iranian regime change or at least they...
  11. Tihamah

    معليش أعذرني ي&#1575...

    معليش أعذرني يا عزيزي عن تأخري في الرد لأني ما جي&#1578...
  12. Tihamah

    طبعا الاجزاء م&#1593...

    طبعا الاجزاء مع بعضها تكمل الرسالة وشكرا ل&#1603...
  13. Tihamah

    يعني اذا شفت شخ&#1589...

    يعني اذا شفت شخص من ساحل الخليج الشرقي يبغى يس&#1576...
  14. Tihamah

    اذا جيت تكتب ح&#1591...

    اذا جيت تكتب حط في بالك ان اي كلام في المنتدى سوا&#1569...
  15. Tihamah

    عزيزي بلا ايق&#1604...

    عزيزي بلا ايقل لا تشد اعصابك كثير ما عليك منهم ، ا&#1610...
  16. Tihamah

    FoxNews: 'Iran Deserves To Be Annihilated'

    never mind there is a google translator, adminstrator can use it to read arabic to verify your personal attacks. if you have a cause or case you need to answer people with logic and reason, proof to them you have morals and ethics instead of attacking them personally and going off topic...
  17. Tihamah

    FoxNews: 'Iran Deserves To Be Annihilated'

    about a week ago, i thought the forum adminstration was serious about enforcing the rules and it is the same rules for every one. but i come to find my post about why some people think iran could be annihilate in a topic about "FoxNews: 'Iran Deserves To Be Annihilated'" is deleted and off...
  18. Tihamah

    S-400 units will receive (40N6) missile serially at the end of this year.

    Saudi Arabia bought them (S-400), in a part of a deal to cancel the sale of S-300 to iran, i just hope it is good enough and a competent weapon.
  19. Tihamah

    Asad's Air Force Capability analysis.

    what does saudi arabia have to do in a topic about syrian airforce? HAHAHAHA it seems jealousy and envy of our iranian neighbors and the follower of the iranian regime/clergy are eating them up. Assad and the baathists are getting thrown in the trash with Saddam, Khomeni, Gaddafi...
  20. Tihamah

    Saudi Arabia buys 200 french Nexter Aravis

    it was confirmed "officially" by the french side this monday, any way why the SANG is buying artillery i don't like that at all, there should be "one" army in KSA not two armies, we don't want a civil war.
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