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  1. S

    Huawei may handle Airtel's 4G rollout in Delhi, Mumbai

    Unfortunately some of your fellow countrymen don't share your views. They have such a hatred for everything China.
  2. S

    Janes: China hopes to develop next-gen carriers

    So our first indigenous carrier will be a nuclear carrier with EM cats? I thought we were going for 2 conventional carriers with steam cats first before going to nuclear with EM cats.
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    Busting the myth of "British Railway Gift" and other gifts to India

    The big difference is we don't worship the Brits or other white people (vast majority of Chinese hate their guts). Indians do.
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    Iraq war cost US more than $2 Trillion

    It cost the lives of 2 million Iraqis and the suffering of 24 million other Iraqis including the heinous use of depleted uranium.
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    Italian envoy cannot leave India

    All this guy has to do is bribe a few poor Indians and jump across the border to Bangladesh and go back to Italy from Bangladesh. India has a big problem with illegals from Bangladesh jumping the border, if its that easy for them, the Italian intelligence agency can certainly get their...
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    Italian envoy cannot leave India

    If India can't do anything if 2 Indians are killed, what exactly is India going to do if 100 or a 1000 Indians are killed. The number of Indians that died makes no difference. No leverage means no leverage.
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    Janes: China hopes to develop next-gen carriers

    Hopefully it will be ready before 2030. Considering the problems with our engine developments, I don't have much confidence.
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    Experimental Observation of the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in a Magnetic

    Nobel Prize is a political propaganda prize. It's only given to anti-China dissidents. Only a fool or a white worshipper takes the Nobel Prize seriously.
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    Busting the myth of "British Railway Gift" and other gifts to India

    Without Britain, there is no such thing as 'India'. They have you a country, and all the systems you have.
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    Italian envoy cannot leave India

    Italy is running rings around India. India is powerless. What can India do to Italy? Absolutely Nothing. Italy will cut off all parts supplies to Indian weapons imported from Italy (we all know India can't make a single bullet). Italy holds all the cards, India and aswell as Italy knows this...
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    India finds no mention in Chinese foreign minister's annual press meet

    All the people freaking out were your fellow countrymen.
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    Xi Jinping named president of China

    I don't care about his smile or his looks, I care about his policies. I'm suspicious of him, he is a very good friend of former US treasury secretary Hank Paulson (thus more likely to be sympathetic to America). Xi also has good friends in Iowa. His daughter studies in Harvard. He has too much...
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    Trillions of dollars worth of oil found in Australian outback

    Look at these Indians :lol: Can't keep the word 'China' off their minds. Disturbing to say the least.
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    Italian envoy cannot leave India

    No. That's because we don't worship whites like your country. The west knows we don't kow tow to them, this we are considered a threat to their colonialism. This crisis proves what a weak and meek country India is. Your country is ruled by a white woman, now that's embarrassing.
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    Xi Jinping named president of China

    I don't trust Xi Jinping one bit. Could be the next Gorbachev. He is far too pro-western for my liking.
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    South China Sea Forum

    Those are our islands and we just kicked out your ships. That's the only thing that matters. Protest all you want.
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    India seeks EU's support in the Italian marines issue

    India is hapless and helpless. No one takes India seriously.
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    China's Drone Swarms Rise to Challenge US Power

    Quantity is a quality in itself.
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    Falklanders vote 99% to remain British

    Argentina should build up its military by buying weapons from us. Anti-Ship missiles, conventional submarines, mines, frigates, destroyers, fighter jets (once our engine problem is solved), transport aircraft (once engine problem solved), use our beidou navigation (2020 it will have global...
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    Italy must return marines or face consequences, says PM

    Indians are very timid people. They worship the whites, the whites treat this as a sign of weakness, they know no matter what they do, India won't do jack to them because Indians love to worship white people. You earn respect in this world, respect comes from fear. When you act timid, people...
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