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    Pakistan Air Force has an edge over Indian Air Force: Indian Parliamentary panel

    not possible funds have neither been allocated not there are any funds to release any change in allocation will require parliamnet approval - supplymentary grants F16 superior to Su30 ? not even USA makes such claims
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    Ghar Wapsi unconstitutional, Conversion constitutional right:Christians

    but how can children make a choice and convert ? there should be a law which prohibits conversion before the legal age of 18 - after 18 they are free to choose the religion below 18 how do you make a child understand - how can you expect them to understand differentiate and choose ?
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    Rafale Deal Nosedives in Negotiation Combat

    no he is bangladeshi dont insult dumb people by comapring them to BDforever
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    Kabaddi World Cup: Pakistan players cry foul after losing in final

    a few days back this samw pakistani crowd on PDF was advising us to take it easy and with sportsmanship on hockey loss to pakistan now they need the same spirit and advise
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    1000 KG Glide Bomb Capable of hitting a target 100 KM away was successfully tested.

    dont bother pakistan has developed it already and only last year our RAW was able to steal the tech from pakisan :lol:
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    Gen Karimi, the Afghan chief of army staff: Maulana Fazlullah. "He doesn't live in Afghanistan"

    no india openly helped bangladesh by sending in its army and liberating bangladesh what they are doing is World : Laden is in pakistan Pakistan : no is not in pakistan Found : 5 Kms from PA training academy and such in many cases so now when everybody knows where is fazlullah...
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    NLCA NPI completes first ski-jump successfully from SBTF.

    Next step NLCA MkII lets go for CATOBAR (steam/EMALS) capability
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    DRDO successfully tests 1000 Kg Class Indigenous Guided Glide Bomb

    what is the glide ratio what is the altitude min from which it has to be launched to achive 100km glide ? i think there is moe than meets the eye here - Rustom I - Aura - etc + glide bombs +PGMs coming online and fructifying simultaneously ?- coincidence or well planned projects
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    Flash - President Ghani orders Fazullah's arrest.

    afghanistan will act on TTP creating trouble in Pakistan BUT Will pakistan act on Afghan Taliban which created trouble in Afghanistan & hides in Pakistan ?
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    Indian Manned Space Program

    indian space program is civil applications oriented in nature definitely we can have tie up with iran with respect to civil applications like help iran to launch iranian satellited for telecom, TV broadcaast sat radio telemedicine etc we can even offer iran to join IRNSS / GAGAN system if...
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    Marines issue: Italy may recall ambassador to India

    Mitron lets remember Modis own stand on the issue see my post post no 42
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    Marines issue: Italy may recall ambassador to India

    no we nned the marine back as Modi himself demanded last year
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    India to Lease a Second Nuclear Submarine From Russia

    @Guynextdoor2 no i dont think they will want nerpa back by the time 2020 - they will have a new double hull design
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    India to Lease a Second Nuclear Submarine From Russia

    + consider the learnings + crew being trained on it and high end systems how many ste of crew can be trained and retrained and refreshed in 10 years ?
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    India to Lease a Second Nuclear Submarine From Russia

    if we are leasing one / two do costs really matter that much
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    India to Lease a Second Nuclear Submarine From Russia

    are there two porposoals 1. Another Nuke Sub on lease ? (maybe why not yasen class) 2. Buying out the hull of the Iribis and converting it into a indian design sub (a sort of experimentiation with our own indian larger design )?
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    Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

    they are bad terroristts as per pakistan if they had been killing your kids they would have been good kids as per pakistan
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    Curious Case of Brahmos M (mini)

    i am not talking of cetreline pylon on centre line pyloen besides the lenght the dia will also become the issue since my first post i have said on two innerline pylons 1 each
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