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    When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

    LOL my confidence in your smartness was misplaced it seems
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    When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

    come on you are smarter than that
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    When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

    yes they are agreeable that the india that remains today has shielded them from bearing the brunt and following our western neighbour
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    When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

    LOLWA while they have successfully converted and captured the western part of india - which succumbed to conversion, the rest of india still lives on since millenias - unfetterd , unhindered
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    When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

    nopes it was under Bharat tule under indic / saraswati civilisations - punjab empire, mauyra empire, maratha empire etc
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    When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

    nopes the religion of peace which is at the centre of every unrest in the world
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    When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

    for that you need to study and understand the concept of bharat tantra
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    When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

    have the so called pashtuns who so called defeated teh sikhs twice been able to get thier own country either in Afhgan side or in Oakistan side ?
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    Pakistani MP rescued by Indian army, praises efforts in food relief

    comparing ourselves to yourselves ? have we gone intellectually bankrupt to do such a thing ? lol so you keep watching the J&K news reports ever half an hour ? yeah the conditions are way better than POJK you may get immigration if you try better life really lol so you keep watching the...
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    Five Sikh families leave for India

    dont worry the situation is bound to change India will always be the Natural place of refuge of Hindus (Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhits) presecuted anywhere in the world Welcome
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    India and Pakistan file formal applications for full membership in SCO

    ok happy now my money my life my choice whats ur problem ?
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    Russia Weighing Ban on Car Imports From U.S., EU, Japan

    he can be a chinese working in Pakistan on one of the many chinese projects no?
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    new naval air station

    ok very good now one more target for Al Qaeeda , TTP and BLA
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    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    it is better than all except Mig29 in some aspects and Su30MKI
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    China to invest $100 billion in India over 5 years

    it is not like india is an closed market anymore many companies are already investing DTTI has more focus on Defence technologies focus
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    In India, an ancient sport gets 21st Century spin

    we need such sports leagues for all traditional & international sports such as Hockey league Football league on the lines of IPL with 2-3 international players in each team
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    China to invest $100 billion in India over 5 years

    why cant you give up small teritorry considering religious importance to us of kailash mansarovar area ? so who stops peace ?
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    China to invest $100 billion in India over 5 years

    good idea + you give us kailash mansarovar teritory doable deal
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    China to invest $50bn in Pakistan by 2017

    yes these are not loans but then neither they are aid does anyone invest withour returns ? does anyone invest for free ?
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