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    Vietnam offers 2 more blocks to OVL

    vietnam is offering 7 ovl is interested in 3 ask gail, essar RIL videocon etc to look into the rest and pick them up
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    China on track to develop Indian railways as Xi heads to S.Asia

    there is nothing like semi bullet train idont know if this is an attempt at scarcasm but i will take this positively The main costs factors are in order of costs Land Tracks siganlling Rolling stock these are fixed overhead costs The variables are Manpower - drivers guards attendants etc...
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    China on track to develop Indian railways as Xi heads to S.Asia

    we dont need the Japanese - chinese - German technologoies we recently ran the delhi agra train at 160 Kmph - we just need to run all trains at average speeds of more than 160kmph if we do that our problems are solved and again we will not need bullet trains we just need to make all our...
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    'India-Pak cricket unlikely until closure of 26/11 case'

    in india we speak in terms of nation unlike our neighbour
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    'India-Pak cricket unlikely until closure of 26/11 case'

    i dont want my tem to play with pakistan Thankyou
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    Xi to Abe, $35 billion is peanuts

    shooo dont invite them here .............soon this will turn into trash thread Er no we will have a line up of countres begging us to buy from them
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    'India-Pak cricket unlikely until closure of 26/11 case'

    no revenues increase whenever indians play either be it pakistan or any ohter team the only additional revenue that india pakistan match generates is in satta / betting markets forget pakistan except in world tournaments i dont support it
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    'India-Pak cricket unlikely until closure of 26/11 case'

    this is the pseudo secular apporach that has weakened india and stopped india from taking strong positions we should be large hearted why? large hearted my foot we dont want to play so dont want to play
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    Madrassas give 'education of terrorism': BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj

    unlike in pakistan and bangladesh the % of minorities to total population have only grown in INdia pl check how many minorities you had in Pakistan in1947 and how many today
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    Madrassas give 'education of terrorism': BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj

    Mandir is not school mandir 's equivalent is mosque here we are talking about madrasa not mosques anyway we dont protect anyone who does any crime
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    China on track to develop Indian railways as Xi heads to S.Asia

    my point exactly that HSR in China makes loss - in debt trap In Japan - no profits In france - no proifts In germany - i dont know in US - no HSR network - but has it hampered transportation ? then in INDIA we should stay away from HSR (bullet trains, TGV ) etc
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    Our Model Of The Solar System Has Been Wrong This Entire Time!

    on one hand we laud the western education system where nothing is taught (spoon fed) where they give a topic for studies and expect you to read up on it and next day discuss the topic in class, raise questions and doubts on the other hand we want to be spoon fed Huh...
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    China on track to develop Indian railways as Xi heads to S.Asia

    no i think what will happen is - china has already built some 400+ airports i dont know if it already exists - but if china allows low costs airlines and multiple of airlines people will start preferring these and the HSR will shift in still deeper losses at least the model i would...
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    China on track to develop Indian railways as Xi heads to S.Asia

    china has 12000+ km of HSR network very good but it is loss making and in a debt trap we dont want to do that
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    Our Model Of The Solar System Has Been Wrong This Entire Time!

    in classrooms we are generally taught a model of solar system - not of universe - which is correct this is nothing new it has been already explained thousands of years earlier
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    India identifies 15 weapon systems for export

    small arms with pvt cos Pinaka MLRS ALH Dhruv Indigenous - OFb DRDO pvt cos artillary systems nice tested and ok Indegenous seeker also tested upto 4km in trying and difficult conditions in desert and 6-7km in good dessert conditions Helina too tested and airlaunched version ebing...
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    the EFT offer has been discussed with PM directly By germans it is very much true very juicy offer very actively being considered
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Rafale is in trouble EFT counter offer is tempting
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    When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

    so why are they leaving pakistan and seeking asylum in INDIA there is one thread opened by someone today on migration of Sikhs from pakistan to india
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    When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

    palced confidence in you - no misplaced confidence on your intellect - yes now lets get back to the topic
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