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  1. 劉天兆

    China Communist Party plenum begins in Beijing

    China in Renaissance revival, etc. after completion, we will be unified. (we now only do half or so)
  2. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

  3. 劉天兆

    China crackdown slows Tibet refugee crossings to freedom in India

    Because you see the words, I from a called Jinshan software translated into English. My English is not good, because too many expression ability Chinese than English too much. We China is the core of the oriental culture, the basis of Oriental culture is order. Because respect for order...
  4. 劉天兆

    China crackdown slows Tibet refugee crossings to freedom in India

    I was curious, our people to eat, wear warm, live well, what could be more important than this? You once again accused Chinese, several of you to Chinese? You ever read China history? Every day you are accused of China human rights issues, so that you yourself? A 15 year old boy, just because...
  5. 劉天兆

    Japan Gives Maglev Train Green Light

    We Chinese are developing super maglev train, using vacuum tube design, future speed can reach 2900 kilometers per hour. About ten years after construction began, because we don't care how Chinese outside people say, we do not only say. Small part of the technology High-speed Rail train Chinese...
  6. 劉天兆

    China to be world largest Christian country in less than a generation

    Sorry, we have the mainland too backward, we will only get busy building their own country, no time to twitters.
  7. 劉天兆

    Japan Gives Maglev Train Green Light

    Congratulations to japan! Shanghai maglev train is generally 431 km / hour, also had a record of over 500.5 km per hour record. (reported in 2009)
  8. 劉天兆

    Huawei aims to become tier one smartphone supplier

    why no one talk about MEIZU MX4? it's best smartphone in china!
  9. 劉天兆

    Huawei aims to become tier one smartphone supplier

    Well, if you want to know the highest price Chinese mobile phone with the highest technological standards, then I recommend you a from Chinese Zhuhai 'Meizu MX4' details.and you can Google it, this mobile phone got a predetermined amount of more than ten million in less than a month. By the way...
  10. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    My poor friend, had not Chinese, please don't talk nonsense. We are in the world the number of the first, you go Google. We do a nuclear bomb, spacecraft, manned submersibles, satellite, ships, aircraft, super computer, there are numerous senior talent to support products. If you think I Chinese...
  11. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    Please forgive my ignorance, you which eyes see USA is successful? What is success? Everywhere provoked the war? Spreading hatred? The America taxpayer money to build and not in the world military base? The soldiers with the life of a futile battle, and then use the more massive arms needs to...
  12. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    Well, I don't know where do you find the strength send the above comments. Because you know, although we now are the factory of the world, but we also become the world market. The next stage will make efforts to upgrade our industry. We are investing heavily in the introduction of technology and...
  13. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    I'm sorry, because Chinese than English fast and effective to use too much, so I can't help but want to speak in Chinese. I hope you can understand. Strange why do you like to take the tiananmen incident and the American agents to provide some students weapon, let they burned alive the people's...
  14. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    我部分同意你的觀點,不過我們沒必要去管他們太多,畢竟台灣,香港,新加坡還有日本的相當大的一部分人已經進化成了’香蕉人‘。在黃種人面前趾高氣揚,在白人面前低聲下氣,畢竟黃皮白芯嘛。他們願得如此,便由他們去吧。 說到文字上,事實上是簡繁各有各的優點,但沒必要太較真。比如我們用簡體,記錄的速度跟得上慢些講話的教授,他們根本沒得體會。 至於文化上嘛,不是我們不正統,而是蔣中正搬空了我們的故宮跟國庫還有高知分子,再拿去跟別人炫耀。我有親眼在故宮看過,真心希望有朝一日能讓那些國寶重歸故地。 不要在乎他們怎麼說,我們就是中華正統!因為中華的正統,是人,不是物!
  15. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    American provoke dispute everywhere
  16. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    我這樣發漢字回帖問題大不大?如果問題很大,那我就不回了。從小英語就是我的命門,現在想多看些提高下。如果要是可以,我希望短時間內先用漢子回帖,看懂的就看懂了。看不懂的怨他們不識方塊字吧。 畢竟我能看英文,想把自己的意思表達清楚,對我來說有些困難。
  17. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

  18. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    事情沒你想的那麼糟,我們的是繁簡並存的。簡體字自然有他的優點,雖然不比正體字好看,但是我們一些場景下還是會使用正體字的。簡體字的出現是迎合了當時時代的需求,不要把它與政治牽涉太深。 利於書寫,便於記錄,更便于迅速增加識字率。 正體字是很正統,但正統之下亦有弊端。繁簡之爭其實一直都有,我很同意你的觀點,應當統一兩岸的書寫方式。 折中的辦法是我們增加古文與繁體字的教受,但是不徹底廢掉簡體字。 因為你要知道我們寫正體字有多頭痛,至少要增加一倍的書寫時間。 其實我們大可不必太糾結於此,兩岸的學者們會給我們找出一條平衡的路的,我對他們很有信心。...
  19. 劉天兆

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

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