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  1. F

    Both Pakistan and Malaysia are going to start clinical trial for Chinese Vaccine

    I believe there are about 6 Chinese vaccines that are already in phase 2 (or late phase 1) trials. Many more Chinese vaccines are in pre-Phase 1 trial as well. Because there are no Coronavirus infections in China right now, all of them will have to go outside of China to start phase 3 trial. I...
  2. F

    U.S. officials crafting retaliatory actions against China over coronavirus

    What you proposed is what I called dis-proportionate response. Nobody is saying that. I am talking about proportionate responses. There are so many things China can do before it gets to that point. Anyway, this topic is not like something I like to spend a lot time on right at this point since...
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    U.S. officials crafting retaliatory actions against China over coronavirus

    By the way, all of my co-workers feel this is a great idea. Some of Trumpers while others are anti-Trumpers. But all of them felt this is a good idea, except to increase the scale and frequency the the trade war. China already coughed up $200B of purchase of USA product as the result of phase 1...
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    U.S. officials crafting retaliatory actions against China over coronavirus

    Exactly because China wants good relationship with the West, she needs to stand up. When a bully punches you, and you back down. We all know what will happen next. European are watching too. If they see there are goodies to be had if you punch China hard enough, it is awfully tempting for them...
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    U.S. officials crafting retaliatory actions against China over coronavirus

    I am really wondering is China is still going to provide minimal resistance when being punched. I frankly don't know why China won't fight back on a proportionally basis. Not just over the trade war, or the sanction against her industrial champions by the USA, but also against actions conducted...
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    Do you think Xi is going to be the first emperor of a new Chinese dynasty?
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    Visiting Tibetan school, Food, accommodation, school shuttle, everything is free!

    Beijingwalker, some people in here say you only report one side of story. But since I almost never see those kind of stories here in the west, it gave me a different perspective. I thoroughly enjoy your posts. Thanks for the hard work.
  8. F

    Capital leaves China

    I have no problem with this (Sony and Samsung news) at all. Samsung and Sony phones had proven to be noncompetitive in China. If they want to leave to save labor cost, good for them. It only means what the Chinese government accomplished is effective, average Chinese is getting richer. They are...
  9. F

    Tesla's China sales hit record high in March

    I am going to make a prediction here. China's auto makers sucks. They are dominated by inefficient state owned companies (with the possible exception of BYD). When finally they allowed new start ups like NIOs, XPeng, etc. Those companies are dynamic and efficient. All of them are coming out...
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    Japan Will Pay Its Firms to Leave China, Relocate Production as Part of Stimulus Package

    There are so many thing wrong with this action by Japan. What Japan did is action and commit resource (2.2B) for these actions. This action negatively affects China and Chinese workers. It is clearly not market based. Companies were bribed to leave China. It is one thing that Japanese...
  11. F

    hukou restrictions Eased in China

    This is probably the greatest news for vast majority of Chinese. It opens up so many opportunities for so many people.
  12. F

    China signals ban on eating dog meat

    Does China wants to be truly independent? Shouldn't make decisions just to placate foreigners. That said, I hope she bans dog and cat eating. But do it because Chinese want it.
  13. F

    Tesla's China sales hit record high in March

    This is not a useful statistic. It is from 2019. By the way, China made a mistake in getting Tesla into China at this time. China's EV upstarts such as NIO, Xpeng, etc. are dynamic and aggressive. They have a real chance to compete with the likes of BMW, Toyota, Ford, etc. But they have no...
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    The coronavirus crisis is turning Americans in both parties against China

    This is an article from the Washington Post. It is based on the most recent poll. Personally, I think President Xi's insistence to not fight back is very damaging to China's welfare. Anyway, the link...
  15. F

    The possiblity that China become the world largest economy in 1-2 years?

    I don't think US will have prolong recession at all. I think the worse is over already (economic wise, not disease wise). This is an election year. US politicians will keep on borrowing and flood the country with USD. If anything, I think it will have big jump in GDP in 3Q and 4Q this year...
  16. F

    [BREAKING SMOKING GUN] US intelligence warned in November that coronavirus spreading in China

    If USA really know about the pandemic starts in November 2019 and China is hiding for two months. It means USA sits on this information and allows this disease to go worldwide and only telling the world in April 2020. In this case, world shall demand reparations from two countries. China for...
  17. F

    [BREAKING SMOKING GUN] US intelligence warned in November that coronavirus spreading in China

    The problem is if USA knew that there is an pandemic in China in November and China is not doing anything for two months. It would mean this disease will go worldwide. My question is: Why would USA not do anything until March 2020?
  18. F

    Nearly 70% of Foreign Firms Want to Boost Yuan Use, Most Since 2016, BOC Survey Shows

    China got to increase the pace of the market reform.
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