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  1. G

    Iranian air power .... [ Seriously , its close to none ]

    It is still much better than 100 Su-30 that will be destroyed by 175 US F-22 in the first week of war without doing any damage to US
  2. G

    Iranian air power .... [ Seriously , its close to none ]

    If I have 10bln$ I have two choices 1) Buy 100 Su-30 and its support equipment (100mln$ per unit) 2) Buy 2000 Emad missiles (5mln$ per missile and its equipment) If I buy 100 Su-30-----they will not stand a chance against 2700 US fighter aircrafts including 175 F-22s....These 100 Su-30s will...
  3. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    There is also another video Nice when non-Jewish US generals always wonder WHY they had to go to war in the Middle East... Many non-Jewish American politicians and generals never supported the idea of invading Iraq. American major interest in this region is OIL and US usual attitude towards...
  4. G

    An Open Letter to President Donald Trump on U.S. Tensions with Iran

    Jew Elliot Abrams- former Special Assistant to the US President and Senior Director on the National Security Council for Near East and former President's Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy---- instead of thinking about USA and its interests is still worried about...
  5. G

    An Open Letter to President Donald Trump on U.S. Tensions with Iran

    Iran will not nuke you, because you have nuclear weapons.....But Iran can surround your tiny territory with such weapons that you will be turned into strategic cripple
  6. G

    An Open Letter to President Donald Trump on U.S. Tensions with Iran

    At first Iran should develop nuclear deterrence and then start seriously threatening Israel. Since Israel is a "one bomb country" 1-3 nuclear bombs are enough to serve as deterrence. Israel's major flaw and vulnerability is its tiny size....Israel has no strategic depth....Let me explain...
  7. G

    An Open Letter to President Donald Trump on U.S. Tensions with Iran

    Senator Feinstein....LOL...another Jewish senator-she is Jew from Poland...Good Luck Zarif...Be sure you negotiate with USA and not with Israel.
  8. G

    An Open Letter to President Donald Trump on U.S. Tensions with Iran

    Letter from these guys means little when we think of those who influence US policy in the Middle East Also, we can prepare a separate list of those who ruled Washington during Bush era --those who got USA into a war in Iraq in 2003-----THESE ARE THE BIGGEST PROPONENTS OF DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE...
  9. G

    An Open Letter to President Donald Trump on U.S. Tensions with Iran

    These guys should also write a letter to AIPAC demanding it to cease dragging USA into wars in the Middle East
  10. G

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Yakhont anti-ship missile? Iranian ally Syria known to poses some--Iran could get them and reverse engineer....
  11. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    Not only he is an Israeli expert---He is a former head of Israeli intelligence service Nativ....he served in the army for a long period of time, participated in wars and he knows all Israeli generals and prime ministers personally. Also, since Iran has many anti-ship missiles, we can assume...
  12. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    Some people are naive and stupid enough to believe that USA made some mistake by invading Iraq--like if they didn't know what they are doing, like if they had NOBLE intentions but failed....that is not true----USA knew what they were doing. That is what Dick Cheney said in 1994 of why they...
  13. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    This is Yakov Kedmi--former veteran of Israeli-Arab wars and former head of Israeli intelligence service Nativ ---he knows better than anyone in this forum and his words match my posts in this thread. All healthy US politicians like for example Zbigniew Brzezinski said that Iranian nuclear...
  14. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    When US achieve air supremacy they will be destroyed any way---so better use them to destroy oil infrastructure and divert US resources before loosing them
  15. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    1) Iran has 200k troops and 2000 tanks near the border with Iraq. If US achieve air supremacy their air force will destroy Iranian army---so you better use those forces before loosing them. Before US achieve air dominance, Iran should send its ground force into Iraq and Kuwait. Iraq produces...
  16. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    Hitler and Japan never used diplomacy as a mean to solve political problem----they used diplomacy as either deception or as a mean to win time before they conducted their long planned aggression Hitler had aggressive intentions even before he came to power in 1933 (as he described in his book...
  17. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    If your "analysis" could match that of Pentagon---Iran would have already been attacked and lay in ruins since the times of George W Bush--------ability to seriously threaten oil infrastructure and US inability to protect it -- is the largest Iranian deterrence..... If smarter minds than mine...
  18. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    When we look at a million dead in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Yugoslavia --when we look at illegally destroyed countries, we don't agree that Uncle Sam is just a nice guy Incompetent journalists said that there will be "oil shortages, extreme financial movements, internal violence, and...
  19. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    And of course Iran should develop nuclear weapons. The idea that you can rely on some promises or treaties guaranteeing peace and security is naive and stupid. Examples of illegal aggression of USA against Iraq, Lybia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, ---plots to topple regimes in Syria, North Korea...
  20. G

    Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

    1) one can't compare Iraq of 1991/2003 with Iran----because Iraqi military in 1991 was designed for POSITIONAL WARFARE and its command and control and supplies were extremely vulnerable to US air power. Once US established air superiority, it used its air power to easily paralyze Iraqi army's...
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