India has to be prepared for more terrorist attacks in railway stations and public spaces. remember if it happens when the accusing finger will point to.
These Taliban people look dangerous man :). That face with the beard, scary stuff what nightmares are made up of. Hope their children are not like this and are more refined and forward thinking.
As an Indian I oppose building of any large statues. It is wasteful and our religious interpretation does not allow for this. ------ Coming from a South Indian Brahmin.
you look at any temple, the statues of gods are always small. I understand in some spiriitual reading or discussion, that...
Pakistani's are good at name calling but zero at any work. That's why they are nothing more than labor force in construction in GCC.
There are smart Pakistani's as well but mostly they will be settled in UK,US etc or castrated from their own country.
Pakistan had a really great future back then. A rich country in natural resources, highly educated migrant class, a smaller population, no religious problems, open economy, strong alliance with USA and the west. A relatively strong military.
I wonder how advanced it would have been without...
Haha, it's funny when people try to act all rational and reformed.
These are the same people who sacrifice goats and chicken before PIA flights :) :) Bloody retards
This was a very stupid thing to do by the pilot. What if he would have been shot down. Some of the pakistani posters thinking thinking indian army not being professional etc. Thats not true, anything can happen.
The main problem is also true islamist don't condemn violent acts by other but rather support it. i remember when there was 9/11 or any kind of attach the majority of people in Pakistan support it...... why?
The stupid taliban destroyed the world heritage sites. stupid stupid stupid like all the extremist islamists around here.
I don't hate islam i love the islam from the moderate countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. Respect your history and your ancestors. Do follow arab blinded.
Mike Tyson, my hero as kid during 80's. amazing guy who made it big by his own effort and hard work. Yes later in life he has made some bad choices.... but no one is perfect...
We might want
That's not gonna happen. we provide better hope to our Kashmiri brothers. We have a stability of our constitution and our institutions. We seek growth and betterment of life of entire India.
Let's not make it religion based. We are a diverse country of many religions...
India will never ever ever leave Kashmir, It is part of ancient hindu traditions. It is a strategic location and has water resources which we cannot give up.
Pakistan should concentrate on improving conditions for their people and improving their image on world stage.