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  1. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Eurofighter harap bisa bekerja sama dengan Indonesia Senin, 3 November 2014 16:21 WIB | 2.828 Views Pewarta: Monalisa Dokumentasi satu Eurofighter Typhoon dari Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Inggris, di Pangkalan Udara Amerika Serikat Nellis, pada 2008. Hingga Oktober 2014, 418 unit telah diserahkan...
  2. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Here is the list of exhibitors for Indo Defence 2014 "558 Aircraft Repair Plant" JSC Republic of Belarus "Belspetsvneshtechnika" SFTUE Belarus A 3 Securicon Pty Ltd Indonesia AAL Group LTD UAE Acez Instruments Pte Ltd Singapore Aerodyne Research LLC USA Aerospace Australia Limited Australia...
  3. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Is indo defence 2014 open to public visitors? I heard its only for officers?? For those who visit indo defence dont forget to take pictures of Russian booth, Saab gripen booth, Northop, Lockheed, Eurofighter, PTDI etc and share it here. Thanks
  4. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    INTERVIEW Gen. (ret) Ryamizard Ryacudu: I'm Loud If Faced With The Enemy Harm State Thursday, October 30, 2014, 08:08:00 pm Harian Rakyat Merdeka GENERAL (ret) Ryamizard Ryacudu RMOL. Secretary of Defense (SecDef) Ryamizard Ryacudu ensure no boundaries Indonesian annexation by neighboring...
  5. baukiki88

    Greater China Education, School & University: News & Discussions

    I dont think so, Engineering..of course nanyang is higher than NUS. Everything else is NUS.
  6. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    China Must Avoid Destabilizing Asia: Indonesia Army Chief By Andrea Tan Oct 30, 2014 1:53 AM GMT+0700 32 Comments Email Print bloomberg, China must not use its “great force” to create regional instability, Indonesian military chief General Moeldoko said, as his nation seeks to avoid being...
  7. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Im skeptic about this guy Ryamizad R. He is very passive and conservative regarding military modernization. Dont expect too much regarding MEF2 and Strategic plans 2014-2019. Google his name and he never mention something about MEF and Modernization.
  8. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Indonesia appoints new hardline defence minister Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry 26 October 2014 General Ryamizard Ryacudu (retd), a former chief of staff of the Indonesian Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat: TNI-AD) and a man with a hardline reputation, was named...
  9. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Wawancara Mewujudkan Mimpi RI Jadi Poros Maritim Dunia Denny Armandhanu, CNN Indonesia Rabu, 22/10/2014 12:40 WIB Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Salah satu prioritas pemerintahan Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo dan wakil Presiden Yusuf Kalla adalah meningkatkan sektor kelautan Indonesia, untuk...
  10. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Gripen TOT cannot support IFX program. Only Eurofighter can support. Dont know if RAFALE will offer TOT. India failed to Procure 120+ Rafale prob due to TOT or price.
  11. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Gripen NG cost about $110m. I believe TOT does not include AESA radar and F414 engine TOT because even Gripen cant manufacture them. They are still supplied by other manufacturers. And for $110m not 100%TOT and single engine can be quite expensive. As For Eurofighter Tranche 3A cost about...
  12. baukiki88

    We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

    Turkey must do something or else its suicide....
  13. baukiki88

    Gripen exports......

    I like Gripen...But at $100m-$110 each for a single engine?? ITS OVERPRICED. Any 4.5 Gen fighters priced at $100m-130m will be hard to sell. ie f-15, Gripen, eurofighter, rafale I would rather get the 5th gen F-35 at $140-150m.
  14. baukiki88

    75% chance Ebola will reach France by end October, 50% for UK – scientists

    Stop any flight TO and FROM africa !!!!
  15. baukiki88

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Any news on your FA-50 guys? Cant wait to see them arrives at Philippine. Any news on your SPYDER SAM?? Heard you guys Bought this??
  16. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Malaysia is a threat...They keep stealing our islands, Traditions, traditional musics and many more. I agree. We need UCAV.. it is cost effective. Australia have F-35, F-18.. Singapore F-35, F-15, F16 block 52 and Malaysia SU-30, F18 and Mig 29. Buying cheap Chinese J17 would be obsolete...
  17. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Its hard to get 7% growth if KMP keep nagging Jokowi's policies. Jokowi wants to stop fuel subsidies and corruptions and oil mafias but I think KMP will oppose that policies. Buy a squadron of SU-35 for 2014-2019 and PAK FA for 2019-2024. Global hawk is good but I like MQ9 reaper better. It...
  18. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Indonesia, S. Korea to produce KF-X/IF-X jet fighter: Yusgiantoro Senin, 6 Oktober 2014 19:54 WIB | 303 Views Purnomo Yusgiantoro. (ANTARA/Eric Ireng) Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Indonesia and South Korea will immediately commence the production of the 4.5-generation KF-X/IF-X jet fighter, which...
  19. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Hope so.. But How? we are poor and corrupt
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