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  1. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    As I predicted. Rp weaken. Rupiah Selasa sore melemah Rp12.911 /dolar AS - ANTARA News
  2. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    JUST FOR UPDATE. New Updated GLOBAL firepower 17/2/2015. 1. USA 2. Russia. 3. China. 4. India. 5. United Kingdom. 6. France. 7. South Korea. 8. Germany. 9. Japan. 10. turkey. 11. Israel. 12. INDONESIA <——-hehehe surprise , jump 7 point from 19 (2014) !!! 13. Australia. 17. Pakistan. 20...
  3. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Russian are smart, most of their export are in US$. The fall of Rubel did not drop the price of their export goods. The Minister of defence must secure the deal fast with Russia if they want to buy the SU35, be200 and The Amur submarine. I have spoken to many financial analyst, many of them...
  4. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Until now there isn't any info when they want to buy SU35. They said that they want to wait till Rp is stable. later, Rp is getting weaker and weaker, hence, lesser number of SU35 we can afford.
  5. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Tell them to return our money, Better use it to buy FA50 instead of Tucano.
  6. baukiki88

    Indian Air Force News & Discussions

    Sukhoi cannot replace Rafale: IAF chief Going for Mig 35 instead?
  7. baukiki88

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    Link: Sukhoi cannot replace Rafale: IAF chief Are you guys going for the mig 35 instead?
  8. baukiki88

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    EXCLUSIVE: China sells fighter jets to Argentina which are able to attack Falkland Islands ARGENTINA is to purchase sophisticated Chinese fighter jets able to attack the Falkland Islands as part of a “strategic partnership” with Beijing. Published: 00:01, Sun, February 15, 2015 By Marco...
  9. baukiki88

    Indonesia Aerospace Forum

    Indonesia, Spain agree to extend C295 co-operation Jon Grevatt, Bangkok and Ridzwan Rahmat, Reporter, Singapore - IHS Jane's Defence Industry 11 February 2015 Indonesia and Spain have agreed to extend an agreement between PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) and Airbus Defence and Space featuring...
  10. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Those 96 T defence budget is RAPBN set by SBY in 2014. APBN P not yet known. I heard that our defence budget has been reduced from Rp 440 T ( 5yrs ) to about Rp 417 T. That means defence budget will be reduced from 96 T / yr to 85 T / yr. Not final yet. DPR will decide in a few weeks.
  11. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    What is the difference between 35s and 35bm? is the BM using AESA?
  12. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    if typhoon it better be the one with captor E aesa radar if not, gripen ng is far better choice
  13. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    For the su 35, If indeed we buy, I dont think it will be a full skuadron. maybe 6-8 unit. we never in history buy brand new MRF 1 full skuadron ( more than 16 )
  14. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Yang punya efek deter dan bersaing dengan negara tetangga hanya 16 sukhoi yang lain hanya bisa untuk patroli udara.
  15. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Boeing awarded Indonesian AH-64E contract Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 26 January 2015 Indonesia is to receive eight new AH-64E attack helicopters by the end of February 2018. Source: Republic of China Army Boeing has been awarded a USD295.8 million firm-fixed-price...
  16. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un possibly will make his first official visit to Indonesia to attend the Asian-African conference. North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Ready for Summit Talks With Seoul: Reports MOSCOW, January 25 (Sputnik) — The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un may be attending the...
  17. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Would rather take the F-35 instead of F-16 block 60. Only $30m difference $150m vs $120m if im not wrong Probably we are not permitted to buy.
  18. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Agree with you, Vietnam made better procurement than us.
  19. baukiki88

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Besides 2 SSV, I think Philippine Navy need at least 10 of this KCR40 (Fast missile vessels). It is fast for maritime petrol and It can carries 2 deadly SSM / antiship missiles like (ie exocet or C705) and six-barrelled Ak 630 30mm CIWS. It is also equipped with Sensor weapon control , TR-47C...
  20. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Indonesian corvette damages sonar dome in search for AirAsia aircraft Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International 21 January 2015 The newest of four Indonesian Navy Diponegoro (Sigma)-class corvettes, KRI Frans Kaisiepo. Source: Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding Key Points...
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