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  1. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Korean like to eat sambal? I doubt that. Some people say it smells like dead rotten rats. Real original sambal must contain TERASI . you know what is terasi ?? just to give you an idea, Kim chi smell Fresh Terasi smells Rotten. Me too, I doubt that we will buy 4 skaudron before 2019. Where is...
  2. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I agree we need them ASAP. We need a very Strong Military so that we have STRONG BARGAINING POWER. Remember Jokowi statement regarding SCS "..no legal claim.. "? some began to laugh at our military strength and weak airforce because we do not have Bargaining Power. And even said weaker than...
  3. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    France ready to give RI technology transfer Novan Iman Santosa, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | World | Thu, March 26 2015, 7:35 AM France asserted on Wednesday that it was willing to provide an industrial cooperation with Indonesia should the Dassault Rafale jet fighter be selected to modernize...
  4. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I thought the 50 ifx is addtional squadron other than the proposed 11 skuadron? I thought KSAU said by 2019 they need 11 skuadron ? as said below: DEFENSE STUDIES: KSAU Sampaikan Penambahan Skuadron Udara Hingga 2019 that means 11 skuadron by 2019 + 50 KFX by 2024. That is why anatranews.com...
  5. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The 4 skuadron better be: 1 sk Su35, 1 sk F-16 Viper or Rafale or typhoon, 2 sk Pak fa. then later on 2019-2025, 50 KFX as reported by SIPRI. The Pak Fa is a must by 2019. Is pak fa ready for export next year or 2017 ??
  6. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Do you have sukhoi foto for ts2701, 2702, 3001,3002. Recent one. I mean less than 3 yrs old
  7. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Air Platforms France promotes Rafale to meet Indonesia's fighter requirement Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry 23 March 2015 France is promoting its Dassault Rafale fighter jet to the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) in a bid to meet the service's requirement to replace its ageing...
  8. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Can we upgrade it to BVR capable? This hawk still looks good. Thats why I prefer european made products. It has very good quality and can last longer.
  9. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I will add the " E " later. I will add anything that looks " Pretty " Wow, This Hawk maybe old but inside is still quite modern "BEAU HAWK" Is that really our Hawk 209? I doubt that.
  10. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    We cannot wait. The Rp is weakening. If buy 3 yrs later Im afraid it can be Rp20000 a dollar. Better Sign the MOU now. After This for MEF 3, We just focus on S400, Pak FA, Submarine preferably u214 ( maybe we can make it by that time), Destroyer.
  11. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    How about repalce viper with Typhoon captor E?? I think we should eliminate Gripen because thay cannot provide us with their latest Gripen NG.
  12. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Thats look like a good combination. 1 su, 1 viper, 2 rafale. Hope the Rafale include TOT
  13. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Pesawat Tempur Rafale Perancis Unjuk Gigi Pada TNI dan Pemereintah | Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Udara French Rafale fighter show off to TNI and Government - 03/23/2015 Two French Rafale fighter aircraft landed at Halim Air Base Monday (23/3), to presentations and demos...
  14. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I thought we are adding 3 squads of fighter for 2014-2019? 1 sk for SU 35 (f-5 replacement) 2 sk for ( hawk replacement) ? I dont think we should worry about the maintenance. This F 16 will be retired in 10 yrs anyway. I would rather have the RAFALE instead of F 16 because it can carry meteor...
  15. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Hope we buy both SU35 and RAFALE f-3
  16. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    IHS Jane's Defence Weekly India defence minister admits Su-30 serviceability issues Rahul Bedi, New Delhi - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 18 March 2015 The IAF's Su-30MKI fleet is plagued by frequent engine failure-in-air and engine-related problems and poor serviceability, Defence Minister...
  17. baukiki88

    Philippines Defence Forum

    where is the POHANG class? BTW, Phl to buy 24 more combat aircraft from South Korea By Jose Katigbak, STAR Washington bureau (The Philippine Star) | Updated March 20, 2015 - 12:00am 2 1950 googleplus1 0 WASHINGTON – The Philippines is planning to purchase 24 more combat aircraft, adding to...
  18. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Saab offers solutions for RI’s defense ambitions Dicky Christanto, Gothenburg/Linkoping/Stockholm | World | Thu, March 19 2015, 7:39 AM Flying high: Swedish jet fighter Gripen D flies in demo flight in Linkoping, Sweden, last week. JP/Dicky Christanto World News Japan confirms deaths of 3...
  19. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    300 aster 15, 200 aster 30. 40 F15, 4 G550 AEW... Awesome procurements. Sad, we don't have Long range SAM like them. Dont understand why we only have startex and mistral.
  20. baukiki88

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Military equipments Manufacturer Sweden Urges Transparency Tender Jet Fighter STOCKHOLM - Saab AB, producer main weaponry system (defense equipment) from Sweden, urged the Indonesian government to hold transparent procurement of fighter aircraft. By doing so, artificial Saab Gripen fighter jets...
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