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  1. N_Al40

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Hey bro, figured you'd like this article regarding Iran's threat perceptions and how much it's willing to spend (financially & resourcefully) abroad: https://www.crisisgroup.org/middle-east-north-africa/gulf-and-arabian-peninsula/iran/184-irans-priorities-turbulent-middle-east
  2. N_Al40

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Allow me to clarify with regards to the conventional powers & escalation dominance remark; I was referring to Iran's military capability in Syria. Hence why I put that in a separate paragraph...one that also mentioned Syria.
  3. N_Al40

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Plus it's a very small base, it can only house 500 personnel Azizam, think about what you just said. If the U.S attacks Iranian nuclear facilities, do you think the Iranian Govt. (let alone the Iranian people) would stay silent? Comparing Iran's long & slow responses in Syria is nonsensical...
  4. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    About time we got a standardized uniform!!
  5. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

  6. N_Al40

    Israeli Airstrikes on Syrian T-4 Airbase martyr 5 Iranians

    Oh shi*...it's getting real
  7. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Ahhh shi*...'Iranians' living in the West be like: 'ALL CORRUPTION AND ECONOMIC MISERY IS MULLAH'S FAULT!!'
  8. N_Al40

    Israeli Airstrikes on Syrian T-4 Airbase martyr 5 Iranians

    Time my friend time. Too many short-sighted military enthusiasts here on the forum are riveting for Iran to respond to the Israeli strike a mere 48 hours after it occurred. I say sit your asses down and let the real strategists deal with this in Iran. Absolutely ridiculous the amount of people...
  9. N_Al40

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    LOOL, that's what I thought too!! But I am cautiously optimistic of this news
  10. N_Al40

    Israeli Airstrikes on Syrian T-4 Airbase martyr 5 Iranians

    110% agree bro, but these are Shamkhani's words
  11. N_Al40

    Qaher F313 l News & Discussion

    But we produce them under license don't we?
  12. N_Al40

    Israeli Airstrikes on Syrian T-4 Airbase martyr 5 Iranians

    My friend, the source of this info. was the head of the Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, himself.
  13. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

  14. N_Al40

    Israeli Airstrikes on Syrian T-4 Airbase martyr 5 Iranians

    Israeli military on high alert amid Iran threats to avenge Syria strike Top Iranian official blames Israel, says Monday's missile barrage 'will not remain unanswered' after at least seven IRGC fighters are said killed on air base Israel’s military has been put on high alert amid heightened...
  15. N_Al40

    Qaher F313 l News & Discussion

    Yeah man, look at my earlier post on here for the most recent update!!
  16. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Anyone again wants to say that ALL of Iran's economic problems are its OWN fault...
  17. N_Al40

    Israeli Airstrikes on Syrian T-4 Airbase martyr 5 Iranians

    Bro, we Iranians are not impulsive political players like the US under Trump, Saudi's, or Israeli's. We will wait for the opportune moment, exploit an opening and hit them where it hurts. Case in point: 2015 Sheeba Farms attack & 2018 F-16 trap
  18. N_Al40

    Qaher F313 l News & Discussion

    Interesting, what's the difference between Kowsar-1 & Kowsar-88? I know the latter is the trainer jet that was shown last year.
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