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  1. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    I thinks its better then Fundamentalist behaviour
  2. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    why dont you show any logic proof in that article . I am waiting . I thinks its better then Fundamentalist behaviour
  3. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    This is a good example of freedom of opinion. can you think of this freedom in Islam ? and by the way if you have read this article properly . this is just an opinion or rather claim without any logical proof
  4. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    Ah Titanium , you want to feel happy :) .. buy chocolate
  5. Chanakya

    Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran

    any one has a right to change his faith .. If all religions are equal , then why conversion?
  6. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    No dear . it means faith cant be defined and there is no need to define it . because definition by itself leads to narrowness and stops it from evolving . this leads to blind faith and you know where blind faith can lead to .. you are facing it in Swat . No ,NO CHOCOLATE...
  7. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Asim Aquil I agree that primitive societies had some customs that are shocking to our modern sensitivity. Primitive people did a lot of things that appall us today. They had, human and animal sacrifices; practiced gender discrimination, slavery and many forms of abuses of human rights. But...
  8. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    AgNoStIc MuSliM Sorry Dear but “I THINK” is not logic. Its faith This is from Aisha Her self Sahih Bukhari 5.234 Narrated Aisha: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill...
  9. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Muslims agree that Aisha was only 9 years old when the Prophet married her. The following site makes no apology for her young age and accuses the modernists for humbugging the Westerns morality and denying the truth. http://admin.muslimsonline.com/~islamawe/Polemics/aishah.html This site...
  10. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    please realize that Hadith that were collected by the most honorable of men, such as Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, are named Sahih for that reason. They are true, and the Sunni Muslims take them to be accurate reporting of the words of the Prophet If we took the Hadith merely to be words that...
  11. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Ayesha is revealing that she was playing on a swing when her mother took her to the Prophet. Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 41, Number 4915, also Number 4915 and Number 4915 Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) married me when I was seven or six. When we came to Medina...
  12. Chanakya

    Interfaith marriages

    Why this "them" and "us" . the present civilisation ( western) has evolved with the contribution of everyone of us . so dont give credit to "westeners" Humanity ( beyond and "ism")
  13. Chanakya

    Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran

    Yes I agree there are Ppl who corss the limit but I think here this guy wants to show ( according to him ) the fascist views in a religious book . this shall be answered in sane and dignified way with Logic . for ppl who cross limit -- there is Law - persue that...
  14. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    . Well Road Runner This is best thing about hinduism and its called as learning and evolving from knoweldge to wisdom .. Can you define your religion? there so many sects and they have diffrent opinions. no My dear Definition of brahman is One ..Just one ( you are...
  15. Chanakya

    Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran

    forget to add that , that faith or ideology shall not be against any othe individual
  16. Chanakya

    Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran

    The right of criticism is the fundamental right and the balancing act in any society .. you shall have right to criticise but no right to stop yu from believeing and acting on your faith or ideology ..
  17. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    RoadRunner :) scared of words ?? or stuck with your own perception ? which one is it ..? Have you read anything about advaita vedanta or anything about the any Hindu philosophies ?
  18. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    Road Runner Brahman is the signifying name given to the concept of the unchanging, infinite, immanent and transcendent reality that is the Divine Ground of all being. It is regarded as the source and sum of the cosmos, that constricted by time, space, and causation, as pure being, the...
  19. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    Titanium Shia , Sunni, Ahmedia , Bohra.. and there are many more .. somewhere i read its more then 150 sects in Islam . they all have some difference in the definition about there individual faith .. but they all are muslims right ? so anyone can limit it self within his...
  20. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    Road Runner .. :) it is Monothetic .. but the diffrence is .. it has the freedom for any individual to have his devotion to any symbolism .... Rig Veda,1:164:46 “ Truth is One, but sages call it by many names. (एकं स&#2342...
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