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  1. C

    The new Islamic empire from Turkey to Pakistan.

    Well i guess no one can stop anyone from dreaming, though in all seriousness the muslim world is quite broke unfortunatly, the first thing to do is for the muslims citizens is to put their grudges aside and empathise with those who are suffering. Let those in power change afterwoulds, right now...
  2. C

    MY RESULT!!!!

    I guess all you guys are starting to have flash backs of your teen years...
  3. C

    MY RESULT!!!!

    yeah i can probly only see my self as a GP if I ever go into the medical, and the point about nurses is duly noted...lol.
  4. C

    MY RESULT!!!!

    Yeah i know it's a classic teenager comeback...
  5. C

    MY RESULT!!!!

    Hmm He works in a government hospital in Saudi Arabia so there isn't any private practice where ican jump into I guess. im not that small!
  6. C

    MY RESULT!!!!

    Thankyou sir, are you a doctor? my dad is too. Bcause i did better in sciences he wants me to go in pre-med, but i'm not sure because i've seen my dad's life and i think being a doctor is too togh for me
  7. C

    MY RESULT!!!!

    nope I live in dammam, There's a Pakistani school in Khobar but I don't go there because they don't teach the IGCSE syllabus. But thankyou for the congatulations nevertheless.
  8. C

    MY RESULT!!!!

    well that's ok, I guess the further you go the mroe important it gets and the more you need to be on top form. Thanks alot man.. appreciated
  9. C

    MY RESULT!!!!

    Im 16 going onto 17 by the end of this year. thanx alot dude. so was that in A-levels or Gcse or like a Uni grade?
  10. C

    MY RESULT!!!!

    OK guys today i got my IGCSE results and i'm proud to share it with you guys. It goes like this: Math----A Business---A Biology-----A* Chemistry---A* Physics-----A* English------A* &level 1 in orals. I'm chuffed to bits about the result but no onje ask me for any treats:devil: Anyone...
  11. C

    Happy 5000 Members!

    Exellent work guys, I also want to thank the Mods, the atmosphere they've created here is second to none! Also I hope the Mods can try to get some more military personell here like MuradK, keyesersoze and Blain, I enjoy reading there posts the most not to mention Niaz sirs. And the Indian...
  12. C

    Obama, Hillary clash over US strikes on Pak soil

    First of all We all are aware of Pakistan's internal threats, but Pakistani's need to be also aware of external threats and in the near future the west can easily look to Pakistan with an evil eye, for that and any other challenge Pakistan must be ready, These weapons are just for detterrence...
  13. C

    Pakistan to sue India

    Hey im hungry too, I was never the cook, but I sure can eat Briyani!:pop: :azn:
  14. C

    Pakistani Aircraft Engines, SAMs & AAMs

    I also find it quite comical how knowledgable Indian posters will try to denigrate the aircraft by saying it is derived from the F-7 because it "looks" like it, ofcourse to this day no one had provided evidence to back up the argument. Though I guess it works both ways when Irritated Pakistani's...
  15. C

    Obama, Hillary clash over US strikes on Pak soil

    ok first of all have the decency to not call other peoples religion crap especially Islam in a pakistani forum, your trolling now and beleive me mocking your religion or country isn't hard for me. What is this "might", last time I heard America and Britain were secular countries so Christians...
  16. C

    800 million living on 20 Rp a day

    Blain I think the fact that India has embarked on the media war speaks for itself, the "Incredible India" being portrayed is quite a 180 degrees flip of what India really is. You see Indian drama's, the houses they live in, the constant media bombardment of rich dynamic nuclear Indian elite...
  17. C

    Obama, Hillary clash over US strikes on Pak soil

    Sorry, but I didn't get the point of that post, what do paramilitary forces and central government being powerful have anything to do with developing these technologies, to say that Pakistan's only threat lies totally in internal militancy is equal fallacy. And these so called problems have...
  18. C

    Obama, Hillary clash over US strikes on Pak soil

    No I just said that If those in government think that Pakistan threat is only from it's eastern neighbout then they are gravely mistaken. Though what they should do is Keep on saying that their threat is India specific whilst working on Space launch platforms and covertly developing ICBM...
  19. C

    Obama, Hillary clash over US strikes on Pak soil

    Hypothetical or no Hypothetical I sincerely hope this India-centric missile programme stance is just a cover drama. It would be incredibly stupid to think that Pakistan's enemy's lie in only a 3000km range. Ofcourse International politics dictates that it would be wise to keep quite and maintain...
  20. C

    All Man U fans!!!

    Don't let cicinho go he's pure quality beleive me if Real Madrid are contemplating selling him then there's something really wrong over there, but if it's only one way interest then it's definately understandable.
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