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  1. uzbi aka viper

    Modi follows Imran Khan's Steps

    p points or stupidity at best ? india has large population , you have large people to cater and obviously mbs sees large market , almost 6 times more population you have than us , so obviously yes 'even china have larger trade benefits from india than pakistan...its a obvious thingy, not...
  2. uzbi aka viper

    Modi follows Imran Khan's Steps

    and his foriegn minister slapped you hard saying to your anchor "how can we condemn pakistan without any proof you spoof" :cheesy: ohh i almost forgot mbs is our ambassador mind you,he cant say "no" to us.
  3. uzbi aka viper

    Stop blaming Beijing, Islamabad for terror attacks: Chinese state media urges India

    Finally a very excruciating "shut up call" to the crybaby India:pakistan::china:. it's all over in media now.
  4. uzbi aka viper

    India may plan airstrikes in Muridkay

    training camps? really?
  5. uzbi aka viper

    How many Pakistani members on this website respect Dr. Pervaiz Hoodbhoy?

    Being on such a high post and regarded as one of the intellectuals of Pakistan, he should be cautious regarding what he speaks on electronic media, once he said "normally countries have armies but in the case of Pakistan an army has a country", that's statement really pissed me.
  6. uzbi aka viper

    Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

    Is there any medicine specifically to make you feel "happy"? I have studied medicines do cure diseases and put you out from your suffering not actually make you happy but a feel a lot better. Now you're freaking me out because I am a medical graduate. :o: Can't get a free toy in cereal these...
  7. uzbi aka viper

    Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

    As long as you are confused I am happy then.:cheesy:
  8. uzbi aka viper

    Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

    Nice way to divert the topic great. My life is very much easier with my mother tongue and I am very proud of it. Plus I don't act like a fogy who judges others by the level of what they write grammatically not what they say. You're welcome to play mind games grandpa with English is your exit point.
  9. uzbi aka viper

    Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

    Ironic to hear that at this age you like comics? That was my point earlier you are bipolar by nature and sometimes you are way too worse than a toddler and yeah it would be way better if he had done something about the toddlers of another side of the border ;Kargil. Ah sigh! Unfinished business...
  10. uzbi aka viper

    Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

    put your best glasses on grandpa...actually it was two! third one was related to the previous two and fourth was your partial self praising intro condescending one as always. Now back to musharraf, to me he has done 50 percent good things for pakistan politically and militarily he was all good.
  11. uzbi aka viper

    Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

    aah! okay lets move on ,4 posts on correcting grammer ohh sry grammar ...sorry*....what you think of musharraf grandpa ? is he good or bad , now can we stick back to the topic ?
  12. uzbi aka viper

    Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

    you have to convey your point and i am delightful u understood! " grandpa " thats the fashion nowadays, cm outta 70s.
  13. uzbi aka viper

    Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

    see? well that intentionally..ok grandpa:partay:
  14. uzbi aka viper

    Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

    sometimes its the kids who teaches you some things of sanity and its upto you whether you take it as a disrespect or a "behave yourself" signs, well to me he is bipolar sometimes he is even worse than kids... anyways whatever.
  15. uzbi aka viper

    Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

    not only his alter ego but he was once a grammer teacher in a local school ,sadly thrown out due to his overconfident behaviour.Now one of his hobbies includes " the ultimate autocorrector or grammer corrector on pdf" although he usualy opens google tabs of 'oxford dictionary' version 2019...
  16. uzbi aka viper

    Monument in memory of martyred APS students erected in Peshawar: KP CM

    kash uss din bhi "sunday" hota..ajke din ki tarah and chutti hoti:(:sad:
  17. uzbi aka viper

    'I am not another Imran Khan,' Mashrafe Mortaza says ahead of Bangladesh polls

    to some extent he is right bro,seriously.
  18. uzbi aka viper

    Indian Soldier Killed in Uri Sector

    go n watch "chota bheem " kid, no place for your blunders here
  19. uzbi aka viper

    S-400 Ballistic Missile Defence System and South Asian Deterrence Stability Dynamics

    highly appreciate and extremely agreed with your last three lines of statement..yes on ground we dont have any answer this one and this thing only known by us ....not them ! now dont bother to ask who are they .
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