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  1. uzbi aka viper

    Happy Independence Day (Pakistan).

    happy birthday pakistan :pakistan::pleasantry:
  2. uzbi aka viper

    Hurriyat calls for referendum rally in Occupied Kashmir

    http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/una-dalit-attack-protester-who-had-committed-suicide-dies-in-ahmedabad-2945915/ hypocracy under his regime
  3. uzbi aka viper

    Hurriyat calls for referendum rally in Occupied Kashmir

    chinese gonna answer that but dalits are surely humans
  4. uzbi aka viper

    Hurriyat calls for referendum rally in Occupied Kashmir

    humans atleast yeah its only in IHK that a person get killed for that
  5. uzbi aka viper

    Kashmir all-party meet: Modi discusses atrocities in Azad Kashmir, Balochistan

    Before azad kashmir and balochistan modi needs to clarify his atrocities in gujarat first
  6. uzbi aka viper

    Culture ministry embarrassed as its video features Pakistan’s JF-17 jets

    yeah raptors are already extincted from this world :sarcastic:
  7. uzbi aka viper

    Culture ministry embarrassed as its video features Pakistan’s JF-17 jets

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8478088.stm jf17 deal with india was finalized in 2010 when our air chief visited there :enjoy:
  8. uzbi aka viper

    Culture ministry embarrassed as its video features Pakistan’s JF-17 jets

    jf17 included in indian bid..rafael dumped :D
  9. uzbi aka viper

    I will boycott the Independence day!

    your stupidity made you elite here i can bet that and its clear. well well vajpayee forbade..clapping ..he was right instead not like you ...the general said india failed because we lost so many army men ..dont provoke me to go off topic again..otherwise i will definitely ban* ur elite a88...
  10. uzbi aka viper

    I will boycott the Independence day!

    rest are scared :sad:
  11. uzbi aka viper

    I will boycott the Independence day!

    cool down mate cool down i was expecting such reaction..truth hurts i know ..anyways the thread is about something else so i dont wanna waste my energy on replying to "doremon" :haha:
  12. uzbi aka viper

    I will boycott the Independence day!

    :coffee: next ..after he retired yes.. lots of ex army men from your side did the same against your country i can send tens of videos regarding that .
  13. uzbi aka viper

    I will boycott the Independence day!

    attacking from under the bed a territory which was 2000+km far away from its original one is a bravery ?? still u wont able to get the west side ..ironic how a 1/3rd compared to your country in size is always been your competitor got 1/3rd of kashmir in 1948 , make u run leaving behind ur tanks...
  14. uzbi aka viper

    Travelling to the forbidden land — A Pakistani in Israel

    yar let us do exercise with israel its no harm or etc...because just think out of the box.And i am smelling the aroma of ICBM coming from the kitchen :pleasantry:
  15. uzbi aka viper

    US denounces Quetta attack, offers Pakistan cooperation

    first of all pakistan already said goodbye to IMf, secondly if asking IMF to influx money is "begging" than india has done it long time ago taking 5 billions from IMF..i know adding taunts and teasing is the part of speech for every indian ..so you are putting it this way no worries.... and...
  16. uzbi aka viper

    Gen Raheel orders intelligence agencies to initiate special operations

    you didnt dealt with suicide bombers as yet ..i wonder if some of the attackers were suicide bombers in mumbai saga the consequences would probably worse than you ever thought off.
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