Laughing at Nanking will get you that. It was never civil in the first place. To have civil discourse you would need two or more literate and civil people. Something we seem to be missing here.
I however have something against you. A illiterate who has yet to make a decent statement comments on others. As for Chinese Dragon, he is a far more intelligent and respectable person than you are.
BTW. baby eating was a hoax
Well your impending suicide will be pretty quick then. For a person as uneducated and ridiculously stupid as you a dog would be your only option. Guess what? Totally legal in India. The dog might cry rape though.
LOL. You laugh at Nanking and I'll laugh at British enslavement of India. Can't take what you dish out? BTW the my girlfriend is Chinese is BS, and you know it. Maybe you'll feel better about my insensitivity if I told you I was banging a Indian chick. NO? I didn't think so.
Hell nanking was a few days. Indian women willingly spread their legs for British for over 200 years.
Below freezing- Now we're at the Indian British slave part.
Look at the one liner Indians in the first page. Thats not even a good trolling attempt. As for denying its rather easy when one day its a copy of the F 22 to a mig 1.44. Gotta make up your minds.