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  1. tanlixiang28776

    Indian Media claims 100 Chinese Soldiers were Killed in Galwan

    So we just letting Indians throw out racial slurs like nothing then. Cool what a garbage forum
  2. tanlixiang28776

    China-India Standoff 2020 - Outcome

    I made this post 4 years ago and its just as true today Been debunking it so often i just quote myself now. Oh i actually went to wikipedia to see the changes made on the Chola incident. Heres the page from 4 years ago...
  3. tanlixiang28776

    India To Make 5th Generation Combat Aircrafts within the next 10 years

    Well hes not wrong China will start production of 6th gen starting in 2035. At current rates of production of a squadron or 2 a year China will only have 500-1000 fifth gens by 2040. I mean I'm sure they'll be able to match that by buying like 2 squadrons after a few decades of bargaining lol.
  4. tanlixiang28776

    Should the Indian Navy worry about China's new warship?

    Your post is so delusional I'm not even going to bother responding anymore. You obviously have a huge amount of time to come on here to post garbage. I neither have the time or will to argue with people as stupid as you. Just realize spewing BS on a online form won't change ground reality.
  5. tanlixiang28776

    Should the Indian Navy worry about China's new warship?

    Heres the thing though. Nobody but Indians would even try to compare the type 055 to the P15B. Not a single western article would put those two ships in any kind of comparison. They only compare it to ships like Zumwalt or Sejong class...
  6. tanlixiang28776

    Should the Indian Navy worry about China's new warship?

    India could never hope to have anything comparable to the type 055's radar setup in the near future. Outside of the S band and X band radars on it there is a huge amount of other radar, ECM, and electronics on the type 055. This setup is pretty much only economically viable in China. In any...
  7. tanlixiang28776

    Should the Indian Navy worry about China's new warship?

    So the type 055's S band is actually just ridiculously big with each having a surface area of 49 square meters. Compared to the largest export MF star S band which is 9 square meters a single type 055s panel is larger compared to all 4 MF star panels combined at 36 square meters. Even the top...
  8. tanlixiang28776

    Should the Indian Navy worry about China's new warship?

    Actually the type 055 looks to have a larger than 4 by 4 meter S band AESA setup. If those windows are at least a meter wide then they would be closer to 7 by 7 meters. Absolutely gargantuan and nothing else comes close to matching that size aperture. Even the X band setup at the top looks...
  9. tanlixiang28776

    Thank you Pakistan Air Force for making us proud

    Too much rules I guess. Truth is 10 fighters sold to Pakistan is more useful than 100 on the Sino Indian border. They are way more likelier to use them.
  10. tanlixiang28776

    Thank you Pakistan Air Force for making us proud

    Block 3 is not ready yet. The best option would be J10C. Honestly Chinese production is no where near capacity and should be utilized for bolstering Pakistan. With Pakistan holding India down with just material support China is free to focus elsewhere.
  11. tanlixiang28776

    US interested in dragging China into India-Pakistan row – scholar to RT

    Open support would be unwise but access to higher tier weapons with low or no interest loans would be a win win for both sides. This recent battle is not with China's latest aircraft, missiles, or radar. We should definitely see what Pakistan can do with more advanced gear aka J 10C with pl 10s...
  12. tanlixiang28776

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Seems the PL-9C and SD10A were more than adequate equipped on the JF 17 against even MKIs. Hopefully they can integrate cutting edge missiles like the PL 10 and PL 15 and on new AESA equipped JF 17s.
  13. tanlixiang28776

    2 IAF pilots feared dead as MiG crashes in Kashmir's Budgam

    Thing is its likely not just a Mig 21 they lost as 3 pilots were captured. A twin seater had to be used for that to happen. It might be the pride of their airforce the SU 30MKI that was the other aircraft. The utter shame of getting their most powerful fighter jet shot down by a joint fighter...
  14. tanlixiang28776

    Indian P-17A frigates superior to Pakistan's Type-054A frigates: Senior Indian Navy officer

    Thing is Their Top of the line ships are barely more heavily armed than a frigate in the PLAN in fire power with 3000 more tons weight and completely a joke compared to the PLANs flagships which are in a completely different league at the same or more cost. I dont know why Indians want to make...
  15. tanlixiang28776

    Indian P-17A frigates superior to Pakistan's Type-054A frigates: Senior Indian Navy officer

    Hey if Indians want to boast that fine. Lets compare in the same price category then. The type 055 is estimated to cost 950 million dollars. The P17A cost 1.1 billion dollars. vs The 150 million difference can almost buy a 054A So China can make a 055 and 054A for the price of a P17A
  16. tanlixiang28776

    Indian P-17A frigates superior to Pakistan's Type-054A frigates: Senior Indian Navy officer

    The Indians are actually comparing their top of the line Destroyers which cost over a billion dollars each vs Chinas export frigates which cost around 250 million each. Sad part is Armnament wise the P17A is so underwhelming for its size that it doesn't even compare favorably vs type 054As.
  17. tanlixiang28776

    Indian P-17A frigates superior to Pakistan's Type-054A frigates: Senior Indian Navy officer

    P17A also costs 1.1 billion per unit. For that price Pakistan could get type 055 . While the Type 54A is less than a quarter of the price of the P17A and almost 3000 tones lighter it is equal in Air defence, equal in antishipping with the export YJ 12, and superior in CIWS with its 1130s and...
  18. tanlixiang28776

    Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

    All this VT-4 trash talking. It will be quite hilarious if the Pakistan Army chooses it anyway.
  19. tanlixiang28776

    India’s Su-30s were able to see Chinese J-20 Stealth aircraft?

    Let us take a moment to appreciate the Indian military for a second. Bragging about planes they couldn't detect(J 20s are nowhere near India) and talking about shooting them down with missiles they don't have( S 400 deal is dead in the water not to mention China already has them). Truly the...
  20. tanlixiang28776

    India’s Su-30s were able to see Chinese J-20 Stealth aircraft?

    Thats a claim your own Air marshal is making. Laughing at us when you should be laughing at your own military being so incompetent as to lie about enemy deployments and bragging about their own nonexistent capabilities. A lie that could never even get past the basic bullshit test due to common...
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