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  1. R

    RAW and MOSSAD Secret Link........

    Jana, i think he was banned on DT ,PakDef and PDF as well as on here. The character posts his little gems of wisdom on WAB religiously.
  2. R

    US confirms air marshals' intervention on flight

    ’Dutch were racist’ 8/26/2006 12:13:28 AM- By Chirag Madia, Arun George and Lakshmi B. Ghosh Mumbai/New Delhi, Aug. 25: Dutch national A. Slotboom, a regular flier to India who was on board the Northwest Airlines Flight 42 when it was escorted back to Amsterdam by F-16 fighter...
  3. R

    How India targets Pakistan.

    Very True Jana, their entire diplomacy is based on deciet and disinformation. Take this as an example... "The Indian lobby unleashed another tirade to sabotage the F-16 deal by arranging publication of an article by the Institute of Science and International Security in the Washington Post on...
  4. R

    Bombay Rockers,Stereo Nation,Richi Rich set to rock Pakistan!

    Saturday, August 26, 2006 Bombay Rockers, Stereo Nation and Richi Rich set to rock Pakistan! LAHORE: Popular music band Stereo Nation will perform in Lahore on September 1, while other bands Bombay Rockers and Richi Rich will entertain fans in Karachi and Islamabad, event organizer Jahanzeb...
  5. R

    Israel Buys Upgraded Subs To Counter Iran Threat.

    Actually Sig, desert farming is extremely profitable. 40% of all the herbs sold in the US come from Israel....Yes!! Isreal, grown in the desert with drip irrigation systems and hydrophonics. Likewise 60%of all the Berries,Herbs and Cut Flowers sold in England and EU come from ....the Sahara...
  6. R

    How India targets Pakistan.

    Well said Ray/salim. But...as a indian, can you tell us why indians in general are so obsessed with Pakistan? If they want to be such a great superpower and have daily flights to the moon and what not...why dont they just quit obsessing over Pakistan? Is it Jealousy? Inferiority complex? 1000...
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    China holds HighTech WAR Excercises

    China's Military Holds High Technology War Exercise File photo: China's PLA soldiers during a training excercise. Photo courtesy of AFP.by Staff Writers Beijing, China (AFP) Aug 25, 2006 China's military has conducted a first-ever war exercise involving joint forces at a northern training...
  8. R

    Venezuela plans to export oil to China

    Most of the newer chinese automobiles are going to be Hydrogen based/ Ethanol/Hybrid Electric. They dont need to make the same mistakes other countries made earlier.
  9. R

    Sri Lanka options for Pakistan

    Pakistan's increased role against Tamil Tigers angers India: Both set for a proxy war in Sri Lanka? Sat, 2006-08-26 04:08 By H. L. D. Mahindapala Pakistan is playing an increased role in Sri Lanka's counter-insurgency operations against the Tamil Tigers -- and this new development is...
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    How India targets Pakistan.

    I dont think its anti india or anything, just the facts about the inner workings of the india mafia. One can only admire the cunning and deceptive ways they work in...but in the end, Pakistan has no choice but to counter it. I think this article just shows how well organized the indian...
  11. R

    Israel Buys Upgraded Subs To Counter Iran Threat.

    Anyone know how much of the Specialized American equipment by Lockheed Martin is goin to be a component of the Dolphins? Aussi Collins have been turned into the most lethal non nuclear submarine force in the world due to retrofittings with American Systems.
  12. R

    IAF keeps tabs on CHINA/PAK AWACS airbase

    Are the Chinese AWACS going to be used with the JF-17s and J-10?
  13. R

    Customized F-16s to India

    I think the Mods should move this thread in the appropriate section.
  14. R

    How India targets Pakistan.

    Targeting Pakistan India attaches great importance to the media and invests heavily to mould world opinion in its favour. Since the end of the cold war and emergence of the new world order, the United States remains the sole super power with the ability to effectively influence world politics...
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    Israel Buys Upgraded Subs To Counter Iran Threat.

    The Tip of the Missile is protected by a carbon fibre composite wich is also called the nose cone. That sheilds the warhead from extreme heat. All ballistic missiles have this for upper atmospheric re-entry.
  16. R

    US offers 80 missiles to Japan

    - The distance between N.Korea and Japan isnt all that much, they can use short range /IRBM missiles on Japan. -THAAD is effective and Israel has recently tested the Arrow2 which was successful. In a scenario such as this, having a GUN and not needing is better than Not having a GUN and...
  17. R

    Sri Lanka options for Pakistan

    I think the Oslo agreement brokered by Norway takes care of that . A cease fire along the lines of Israel and Hezbollah could be applied here as well.
  18. R

    Israel Buys Upgraded Subs To Counter Iran Threat.

    That is true...but youre forgeting Iran and Iraq were duking it out with Chemical Weapons in the 80s. Iran still has a massive supply of chemical warheads that it can fit onto a shahab3 and aim it at Tel Aviv or Haifa. As one Israeli leader once said "You do not Gas Jews".
  19. R

    US offers 80 missiles to Japan

    lol, Sig...Japan already has the PAC2 and is going to build the PAC3 under license very soon. These 80 missiles are only meant as an immediate stop gap measure.In additon to that i also believe that it has a system similar to THAAD which Israel has renamed the Arrow defense shield . It is the...
  20. R

    Moscow making Central Asia its own

    Nevertheless....Central Asian Republics are still tied to Russia both diplomatically and politically as well as geographically and economically.
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