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  1. G

    France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state

    You are repeating British propaganda myths that colonisation was a net benefit for the colonies which is laughable Turkey, for example was never colonized and today it is the most developed Muslim country By the time British came to India, average Englishman was not richer than average...
  2. G

    Thoughts on going back to your homelands (for non-European diaspora in the West)?

    seems like the governments of the European countries think the other way
  3. G

    Thoughts on going back to your homelands (for non-European diaspora in the West)?

    But capitalists are part of economy---from money they earn they pay taxes and make investments creating jobs for Europeans.... And now... This is a HEALTHY demographic pyramid People aged 40-60 are usually at the height of their carrier and they earn a lot of money and tend to make savings...
  4. G

    Thoughts on going back to your homelands (for non-European diaspora in the West)?

    With the exception that no brown man wants to migrate to a country like Poland----poles themselves are leaving their country and move to Britain or France--so why brown people need to migrate to such a relatively poor country like Poland? Poland will be aging rapidly and this will have terrible...
  5. G

    Thoughts on going back to your homelands (for non-European diaspora in the West)?

    Peoples are different not only because of their races, but also because of their geographic environment that well explains differences in development levels It is impossible that industrialization of 19th century could happen (lets say) in the deserts of Arabia or mountains of Tibet....Probably...
  6. G

    Thoughts on going back to your homelands (for non-European diaspora in the West)?

    Then why countries like Canada have Express Entry immigration program that attracts around 300K immigrants every year.....And Australia and New Zealand have similar programs? Maybe their governments know something you don't? Also you know little about condition of Japan. Because of demographic...
  7. G

    Thoughts on going back to your homelands (for non-European diaspora in the West)?

    This is a racist claim. Do you want to say that white people's capacity for civilisation is superior to capacity of other types of Homo Sapiens? If so, then explain to me why your ancestors were barbarians until around 15th century and the most developed country in Europe during the Dark Ages...
  8. G

    France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state

    Actually India was the biggest economy in the world prior to British colonization....The wealth of the East--this is what forced you to come to India hundreds years ago--isn't it?
  9. G

    France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state

    All former colonial masters claim that they brought "development" in their colonies---pure LIE....they exploited their colonies to the maximum degree possible. French ruled Algeria for 140 years----and in 140 years they built couple of building and one road and you call it "beautiful cities" lol
  10. G

    France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state

    You Europeans and British in particular exploited your colonies as source of raw materials and market for final goods. For example in 19th century British colonial policies bankrupted Indian textile industry and millions of Indians died from hunger----Industrialization of Britain was possible...
  11. G

    France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state

    The point is that millions of French colonists lived in Algeria during the colonial period...now it is Algerian turn
  12. G

    France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state

    They will go back to their countries only after France pays compensation for crimes commited against Arabs during colonial period including brutal murder of 1,5 million Algerians during the War of Independence
  13. G

    A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

    When millions of French colonists lived in Algeria--they did not accept local culture but rather practiced their own European culture And now Algerians live in France----why people say that they are obliged to assimilate? French colonists did not assimilate in ALgeria....so why do Algerians...
  14. G

    A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

    Islam is not a peaceful religion-----it is a realistic religion of life and in life you have both peace and war---Islam regulates both
  15. G

    A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

    French Freedom of speech at its best: France: New bill equates anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/france-new-bill-equates-anti-zionism-and-anti-semitism/1663291 French president plans measures to tackle anti-Semitism...
  16. G

    A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

    Last time I checked it is illegal to publicly make fun of Jews in those "free" countries
  17. G

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Turkish export is 170bln$ and import is 210bln$----a trade deficit of -40bln$ which must be financed by dollars coming into Turkey from Foreign Direct investments and foreign loans. Now, this trade deficit situation can't last forever especially since foreign debt is already huge and FDI dries...
  18. G

    Featured North Korea reveals GIANT new ICBM, amongst others in its annual parade

    Terrain in North Korea is mountaineous and this gives a million man army of North Korea advantage in defense Their soldiers are highly motivated and armed with ATGMs, anti-material rifles, MANPADs, and hold defensive position in the mountains filled with thousands of hardened bunkers and...
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    Featured North Korea reveals GIANT new ICBM, amongst others in its annual parade

    North Korea Unveils Two New Strategic Missiles in October 10 Parade https://www.38north.org/2020/10/vdiepenmelleman101020/ According to this article this missile can deliver 2000-3500kg of payload to any point in US. (so the range is at least 12000km with 2000-3500kg of payload)
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Russians were not very happy with Smerch because it was too heavy and not very mobile so they created a lighter and more mobile version of Smerch with 6 missiles. Creating a very heavy MLRS is not a good idea because the system will lack mobility and will be vulnerable to air attack. A system...
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