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  1. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    The attack was quite sophisticated -to cross several countries, 1000km distance, bypass enemy air defenses and successfully hit the targets---quite sophisticated attack. May USA believe it is Iran---this is just one little response to oil embargo and USA can do nothing, because if they do all...
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    How Iran is going to track and target a warship at 2000km...You need satellites for that
  3. G

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Imagine what will happen with oil facilities across Saudi Arabia in the event of war with Iran....My opinion is that starting with attack on oil tankers in the Persian Gulf earlier--this attack is an Iranian response to oil embargo---possibly not the last response....Shia populated regions of...
  4. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Possibly done by Houthi allies among Shias of Bahrain----truth is that if Iran wants and especially in the event of war all oil refineries in Saudi Arabia will be burning like candles....This attack is just one little response to oil embargo
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    If he meant nukes he would say "destroy Iran in 20 minutes"....When he says in "8 hours" he means air force---meaning Saudi air force can destroy Iranian air force and oil production in 8 hours----however they have to deal with Iranian air defenses
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    What's the role of Qaher aircraft?

    Qaher is a fifth generation fighter prototype...There is a long way before it will turn into a real fighter
  7. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Full report... Hezbollah’s Precision Missile Project http://www.bicom.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Precision-Project-Paper.pdf
  8. G

    Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

    It not about what kind of equipment you have, but about WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH YOUR EQUIPMENT...HOW CAN YOU USE IT...IS IT USEFUL OR USELESS...British Navy is useless. Iran is stronger than all of its neighbors except Turkey, and even Turkey can't invade Iran due to mountainous terrain and lack...
  9. G

    Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

    So the best former "Ruler of the waves" can deliver is an aircraft carrier with 30 Harrier Jump Jets and few vessels with several Tomahawk cruise missiles....that is not enough to deal with Iran. Hardly British Navy can survive Iranian speedboats with their swarm attack tactics and anti-ship...
  10. G

    Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

    Iran is a serious country and acts like a serious country should act...Brits should know that it is not 1953. Also, whatever Naval force Britain has is small and not enough to deal with Iran in the Persian Gulf if anything.
  11. G

    “A nasty, brutal fight”: what a US-Iran war would look like

    “A nasty, brutal fight”: what a US-Iran war would look like“A nasty, brutal fight”: what a US-Iran war would look like https://www.vox.com/world/2019/7/8/18693297/us-iran-war-trump-nuclear-iraq A war with Iran would be the mother of all quagmires...
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    Three members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards shot dead in Northwest Iran near the border of Iraq

    looks like job from Saudi backed terrorist groups in Iran...Iran needs to respond in Eastern province of Saudi Arabia or against Saudi forces in Bahrain
  13. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    nuclear bomb + second nuclear bomb
  14. G

    Iranian MP Warns ‘Only Half an Hour Will Remain of Israel's Lifespan’ if US Attacks Iran

    If USA attacks Iran a rain of missiles with chemical warheads will come upon Israeli cities--AIPAC should know that
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    Enemy's Expert View on Iran

    Middle East has two superpowers: Turkey and Iran....This is the state of the Middle East since Greece vs Persia, Rome vs Persia, Byzantine Empire vs Persia, Ottoman Empire vs Persia...and these superpowers historically confronted each other for control of the region. Iran looks like a leading...
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    Trump says 'Iran made a very big mistake' after US military confirms it shot down American drone

    You are drunken with your victory against Saddam's army back in 1991... But why air power failed to defeat Hezbollah in 2006? Why air power alone failed to defeat Chechen rebels in Russia? Why air power alone failed to defeat ISIS? Do you know how many sorties were made against ISIS.... and...
  17. G

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    I think they will not officially unveil Bavar 373 until they mass produce it at quantities that will be enough to entirely cover not only Iranian but also Syrian airspace
  18. G

    Why is Afghanistan unable to extract its vast mineral wealth?

    Why is Afghanistan unable to extract its vast mineral wealth?---because it is not profitable +war zone
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    How to end Afghanistan war as longest conflict moves towards fragile peace

    Probably, war in Afghanistan is one of the longest war in human history
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    Who controls what in Afghanistan?

    IF US withdraw Taliban hold over Afghan territory will only increase
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