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  1. G

    Iran discovers a new oil field with 53 billion barrels of oil

    That is amazing quantity of oil
  2. G

    Iran discovers a new oil field with 53 billion barrels of oil

    Iran discovered a new oil field with 53 billion barrels of oil https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2019/11/rouhani-iran-finds-oil-field-53-billion-barrels-191110075249978.html
  3. G

    Iran's demography problem

    Yes, because what Iraq is experiencing is a demographic boom. Their population will double in just 25 years and will be increasingly young. This will produce a lot of problems to them in the short run, including the ones you are talking about. You are the kind of demographer Iranian...
  4. G

    Iran's demography problem

    Many others who say Iran has no demographic problem dont publish scientific research with conclusions like they did. Economy grows much faster than population...for example population can grow 1 percent a year, while economy can grow 4-6 percent a year...so in the end everyone will get their...
  5. G

    Iran's demography problem

    Iran arrests demographer who claimed Iran has no demographic problem. https://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-iran-demographer-arrests-20190107-story.html
  6. G

    Iran's demography problem

    no racism, Iraq had a population of 16mln in 1980 and Iran had a population of 54mln. And yet Iraq invaded Iran and killed a million people. So Iran should be aware of potential threats arising from its Western borders in the long run. Iran's security can not afford a powerful Iraq one more...
  7. G

    Iran's demography problem

    Iranian Government Plans A Baby Boom https://emirateswoman.com/iranian-government-plans-baby-boom/
  8. G

    Iran's demography problem

    In 2050 Iran's population will be around 95mln people. While nearby Iraq will have a population of 83mln people. On average Iraqis will also be much younger than Iranians. While today Iran dominates Iraq, this will become a problem in the future. In the long run, with large population, Iraq...
  9. G

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    A saying says: generals always prepare for the wars of the past. As F-35s enter service around the world and Chinese and Russian 5th generation fighters enter service----4th generation fighters like Su-30 have no future. So if Iran buys aircraft for its air force it will be either Su-57 or...
  10. G

    Iran needs to get out Iraq and Lebanon

    Did you ever ask yourself WHY USA deploys American nuclear weapons in such non nuclear weapon countries like Germany, Turkey and others? The aim was to protect Germany and Turkey from potential Soviet invasion. If Soviets knew that there are no nuclear weapons in Germany they could invade. But...
  11. G

    Iran needs to get out Iraq and Lebanon

    simple answer to a complex problem. old video but still relevant Iran seeks sphere of influence and regional hegemony---no oversimplification
  12. G

    Iran needs to get out Iraq and Lebanon

    Iran saved Assad and Shia government in Iraq. Iran will develop nuclear weapons and deploy them in Syria and Iraq in order to contain Turkey and Israel and protect Iranian sphere of influence. Then Iran will knock down Saudi Arabia via Shias of Eastern province and the Middle East will become...
  13. G

    ISIS leader al-Baghdadi believed to have been killed in a US military raid, sources say

    There will be many more Al-Baghdadis. Now based in new ISIS bases in Afghanistan for example.
  14. G

    Iran needs to get out Iraq and Lebanon

    Iran can not withdraw from Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Iran wants to dominate these countries and integrate with them----economic union, free trade zone, freedom of migration, military union. Iran needs to develop nuclear weapons in order to deter Israel and protect Iranian sphere of influence...
  15. G

    Iran needs to get out Iraq and Lebanon

    Iraq has demographic problems because of very high fertility rate. If this trend continues Iraq will have a population of 83 mln people by 2050 with majority of the population being younger than 25 years old. Iraqi economy will not be able to satisfy the needs of this rapidly growing...
  16. G

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    And most Russian aircraft are old Soviet jets-more than 35 years old. Poorly maintained with poorly trained pilots (compared to USA). The truth is that 175 US F-22s can destroy Russian air force of 850 old Soviet 4th generation jets. Taking planes to the region of war takes weeks (unlike...
  17. G

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Russia has 850 old fighter jets with poorly trained pilots. China has 650 4th generation fighter aircraft. USA has 2700 fighter aircraft---that is more than China and Russia combined. Add to this the fact that US military deploys 5th generation fighters and you see the superiority. US NAVY is...
  18. G

    Iranian Tanker Explodes in Red Sea - Possible Saudi Attack?

    Not false flag. This was done near Jeddah so only Saudis could do it. 100% Saudi response to attack on Abqaiq.
  19. G

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Since Iran produces 800 Karrar tanks, these tanks will need support in form of modern APCs and IFV and heavy attack helicopter...So Iran needs to unveil advanced APC and IFV and heavy attack helicopter in near future... ISIS showed that suicide vehicles can be deadly....That anti-tank suicide...
  20. G

    U.S. says that the military is preparing a response to the attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities

    Five Options For A U.S. Military Response To Iran https://www.forbes.com/sites/markcancian/2019/09/17/five-options-for-a-u-s-attack-on-iran/ The problem with USA military response is that US has limited forces on the ground and if US makes a limited strike against Iran----Iranian response is...
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