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  1. G

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Seems like there will be no more unveilings.... Probably more unveilings will be on September 22---Sacred Defence Week
  2. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Very few nations in the world build turbofan engines. Iran can be proud of itself After seeing this turbofan engine which is comparable to FJ33, I now believe that Iran can someday design an engine comparable to AL-31 or RD-33 as well as design small efficient turbofan engines for...
  3. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    new ballistic missile shows black SMOKE during the launch meaning new solid fuel
  4. G

    Why China is taking over the ‘American century’

    Chinese exports is 19% of GDP and most of it goes to USA/Japan/South Korea/Europe---and now these countries are in recession meaning that they can't buy your exports----so your exporters will fail to sell their goods and earn profit--and this means crises in China USA exports is only 12% of GDP...
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    Why China is taking over the ‘American century’

    "If you take an entire Chinese naval force--it can not defeat a single US aircraft carrier battler group"--Peter Zeihan
  6. G

    Why China is taking over the ‘American century’

    Being the largest trading nation .....it is better to be self-sufficient with little dependence on exports What will happen with CHina and its economy, if USA imposes a naval blockade
  7. G

    Why China is taking over the ‘American century’

    1) In 2020 median age in China is 38,4 while USA's median age is 38,3---and China is aging very rapidly due to one child policy....in the near future average Chinese will be several years older than average American with all the consequences it will have for economy, (especially for Chinese...
  8. G

    Iranian Chill Thread

    You should remember that 1bln$ in Iran buys several times more goods and services than 1bln$ in USA. Assuming Purchasing Power Parity rule 1bln$ in Iran is like 3,5bln$ in USA
  9. G

    Iranian Space program

    Compare Zuljanah to Topol-M ICBM Topol M is 22 meters height and 1.9 meter diameter. If Zuljanah is 27 meter height and even 1.9 meter in diameter and (importantly) launched by TEL.....then it is potentially one big ICBM size missile that will be tested until the end of this year.
  10. G

    UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

    These tiny roaches (PG monarchies) are a shame to Muslim Civilization. Such move will only discredit the ruling families in the eyes of their own people and Muslims all over the world who will say that these dynasties are "Jews" or are controlled by Zionists Recognition of Israel can...
  11. G

    U.S. Iran envoy Brian Hook stepping down.

    Elliott Abrams- Jew, former Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director on the National Security Council for Near East , former Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy Key architect of the Iraq War The new guy--Elliot Abrams is even worse----he is Zionist...
  12. G

    Palestinian Mother shot dead whilst preparing milk for her baby

    T Too bad Hitler didn't finish the job
  13. G

    Taliban tells fighters group is ‘on the threshold’ of ‘pure Islamic government’

    Regarding Central Asia: Turkey could be a player--but they are so far away located Iran could be a player--but they are so mush busy in the Middle East and are Shia Russia is a player---but it is a european country busy in Ukraine and with declining demography. China could be a...
  14. G

    Unarmed Afghan civilians murdered by British special forces (SAS & SBS)

    Politicians of the Western countries don't care about atrocities commited by their troops. Thousands of innocent Muslim lives are being ruined by these democratic scums. In Germany there is an " Annual Day of the open Doors" in the last Sunday of August---anyone can enter and the Chancellor is...
  15. G

    Unarmed Afghan civilians murdered by British special forces (SAS & SBS)

    Earlier there was a case of Australian SAS killing unarmed civilians Here is a video: Australian soldier simply executes unarmed 20 year old Afghan civilian Before this the same soldier killed a handicapped Afghan teen just for fun----calling that video----village idiot shooting. These...
  16. G

    Unarmed Afghan civilians murdered by British special forces (SAS & SBS)

    The West- is murderous/genocidical civilization with history full of atrocities. They killed millions of innocent Muslims and brought unimaginable pain and suffering and destruction to Muslim countries----and world doesn't care. That is why I don't care when there is a terrorist attack in the...
  17. G

    Taliban tells fighters group is ‘on the threshold’ of ‘pure Islamic government’

    I have a feeling that very soon pro-American regime in Afghanistan will fall and Islamic government will take over Afghanistan and finally will stabilize the country. I also have a feeling that later Islamic government will spread from Afghanistan deep into Central Asia with support from ISI
  18. G

    Indonesia ranks among most religious countries in Pew study

    Religion is a foundation of morality...once you take that foundation away (how Westerners do) there is a slow multi-generational process of degeneration of society. No surprise that today all those Western countries have highest divorce rate in the world and lowest fertility rate and import...
  19. G

    Iranian Chill Thread

    They need to unveil new equipment before arms embargo expires in October---and at August 22 there is a Defence industry Day and on September 22 there is Sacred Defence week----- I think major unveilings will happen at that two dates and before arms embargo expires in October
  20. G

    Who was the most influential leader of 20th century?

    It is obvious that the most influential leader of the 20th century was Joseph Stalin. Why? Because: 1) Soviet Union under Stalin was crucial in defeating Axis powers (especially Nazi Germany) and establishing New world order after WWII 2) entire 20th century was about communism and Stalin...
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