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  1. F

    How much of this is true ?

    Burden on Western health care due to inbreeding ((())) can't post link
  2. F

    Donald Trump slams Pakistan for lies and deceit

    Look at this . People living here and reaping benefits from this country but play ball for another. @F-22Raptor
  3. F

    Donald Trump slams Pakistan for lies and deceit

    The most optimal route was to ship supplies to Pakistan from where it is delivered to Afghanistan by land by one of two routes {(South Pakistan) Karachi to Kandahar via Chaman -1110 kilometers with the capacity of 75-100 containers per day. It takes 5-7 days in Pakistan and 12 days till Kandahar...
  4. F

    Donald Trump slams Pakistan for lies and deceit

    I like how this issue had United Americans accross party lines. Woke up to this news on Reddit and accross other major online portals. No mater what thier ideology people agreed mostly on what Trump said. If only more Americans read the discussions on this forum they would realise most of...
  5. F

    USA feels threat from new emerging alliance in Afghanistan

    I am done here. cant help it when people resort to conspiracy theories . 1. Iranian state financially/politically/militarily supported Islamic jihad organization. 2. Islamic jihad organization claimed the bombing of US troops. a. you claimed some kind of credit and artificial moral...
  6. F

    USA feels threat from new emerging alliance in Afghanistan

    lol , what about 1983 Kuwait bombings, AMIA bombing in Argentina? Are you going to deny the fact that Iranian government directly supported "Islamic jihad"organization (who's members were directly recruited from IRG) which was responsible for many suicide bombings?
  7. F

    USA feels threat from new emerging alliance in Afghanistan

    May be you should go back and revise your own history and then you would realize that your country men were the pioneers of suicide bombings and introduced it in to the middle east region as a way to attain military/political objectives.
  8. F

    US will act if Pakistan does not destroy safe havens: CIA

    I don't get you. you just appear once every 5-2 pages leaving some stupid , superfluous statements (usually cheer leading some **** or Chinese actions) . you must be some 80 year old . no ones "axis" is tightening any kind of noose around our neck. you should probably look at your own country...
  9. F

    Denied flag and national anthem by arabs, Israeli Judo champ sings it himself

    The very reason we should and we will keep supporting Israel in that part of the world are news like this.
  10. F

    Afghan Taliban killed infant, raped US wife, says rescued Canadian man

    There is going to be a lot more to come of this story in the days and weeks to come. Essentially they were kidnapped when he decided him and his seven months pregnant wife should go on a backpacking adventure through Taliban controlled territory. While in captivity they continued to have...
  11. F

    USA will never win the Afghanistan war

    Not every war is fought till bitter end. It's an armed conflict that has certain goals,objectives which were met and we were successful in driving away the talibans from main political centres, raised and established the ANA and other security apparatus sufficient enough to defend those...
  12. F

    Pakistan defence minister refuses to meet US CENTCOM Commander

    we got lot of that here if you would like to have some.
  13. F

    Kalyani group Breaks Record Of TATA 155/52 mm ATAGS Howitzer

    I disagree. Modern-day artillery is a good mix of tech with men iff we whave to talk about accuracy.
  14. F

    What to Expect at Apple's Biggest Event in Years

    I would put my money on tesla and Amazon. Especially on amazon cloud services, that's where the future lies. To some extent Microsoft cloud services is trying to divert their business focus here too.bit it's just a recent change and we gotta wait and see how they will do. Microsoft is still in...
  15. F

    What to Expect at Apple's Biggest Event in Years

    It's just the branding that gives it all the hype. No more innovation in its new product releases. Sure it's a big brand but not innovative anymore.
  16. F

    Rohingya crisis: US praises Bangladesh’s generosity

    Any humanitarian aid is always appreciated by us.
  17. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Good luck with finding military grade mapping datasets.
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