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  1. Bagha

    India to donate military aircraft, helicopter to Maldives

    But it would spoil Lakshadweep , wouldn't it ?
  2. Bagha

    China and Pakistan Army will Attack india .. Indian media .

    Cho La incident Indian losses were 88 killed in action and 163 wounded, while Chinese casualties were 340 killed in action and 450 wounded. The end of the battle saw the Chinese Army forced to leave Sikkim after being defeated by Indian troops.
  3. Bagha

    Qatar halves gas price, waives India’s Rs 12,000cr liability

    Will they decrease the LPG price now ? :P
  4. Bagha

    India, Not China, could be first stop: Nepal PM KP Sharma Oli to Narendra Modi

    Good. Like I said , they can only scream and shout. After that they'll come to us like a diligent boy. :P
  5. Bagha

    Top 10 Countries With the Highest Salaries in 2015

    One of most important factor for making such destination is the country should be peaceful . The Swiss did not get involved in any wars and they are reaping the benefits. No one wan't their money being lost on stupid wars. That's why the phrase peace and prosperity. USA has recently been...
  6. Bagha

    Top 10 Countries With the Highest Salaries in 2015

    Good things are hard to achieve , otherwise they wouldn't stay good for long. :enjoy: Bro , Switzerland looks good too . I heard that you can drink water from public fountains too without getting sick.
  7. Bagha

    Is "Akhand Bharat" ( Greater India ) a legit ideological goal ?

    There is the far right everywhere , no need to pay heed to them. But IMHO an undivided India would make everyone piss their pants . Just think of India , Pakistan ,Bangladesh and Nepal coming together. In order to achieve this we should stop the religious hegemony.
  8. Bagha

    Top 10 Countries With the Highest Salaries in 2015

    Luxembourg seems like a good place , high salary and no gun abuses . :D
  9. Bagha

    Cabinet approves construction of 69 bridges in Myanmar

    China is facing it's own economic turmoil . It's domestic growth is slowing down . Hence growing the economy is most important.
  10. Bagha

    UPDATE: Indian Airforce Base in Tajikistan

    Shutting down other's trade route and forcing them to do something will further isolate Pakistan. Pakistan will also lose it's connectivity to central asia. And once the Chahbahar Port is complete , all these threats will fall on deaf ear. Pakistan also doesn't have enough clout on Tajikstan to...
  11. Bagha

    UPDATE: Indian Airforce Base in Tajikistan

    India's Second chance in Asia’s cockpit As negotiations for the withdrawal of international security forces in Afghanistan by 2014 gather pace, India has decided to revive its only overseas military base in Farkhor, Tajikistan. Officials from the Ministry of External Affairs will travel there...
  12. Bagha

    Beautiful Models And Actresses Around The World....

    Yes , they looks like sisters. In that image.
  13. Bagha

    Beautiful Models And Actresses Around The World....

    Gul Nazar is an Uyghur model and actress from China . Aygerim Kozhakanova is a Kazakhstani model and Miss Almaty 2013 (Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan). Aygerim will represent her country in Miss Universe 2013 Fan Bing Bing , Chinese actress. Anastasia Kostenko is Miss Russia...
  14. Bagha

    Beautiful Models And Actresses Around The World....

    Mayire Ametjan, Uyghur Singer.
  15. Bagha

    Iraq FM tells Turkey to pull out of north, threatens (military) action

    When FM of a country is asking for troops withdrawal , the troops should have been withdrawn in good faith. I think Turkey is one of the few mature and responsible countries in the middle east and it should act accordingly . Forgive my ignorance but can you tell me which pact you are...
  16. Bagha

    Iraq FM tells Turkey to pull out of north, threatens (military) action

    Turkey should respect other country's sovereignty if it wants other to respect it's sovereignty as well.
  17. Bagha

    CONFIRMED: India to build its first foreign Naval Base in Seychelles

    But a full blown base there would ensure that we are the kings of Indian Ocean. Then why are not creating a naval base at Oman ? Security is important to safeguard our economic interests. We all know , where there is peace there is prosperity.
  18. Bagha

    Many Afghans See Their Future with India, Not Pakistan

    Once the Chahbahar port gets complete and the rail and road link to Afghanistan gets complete , Indian influence will get stronger. :yahoo: And to clear misconception of some people here , we don't need a route through Pakistan to engage Aghanistan. Afghanistan and Iran play very important role...
  19. Bagha

    CONFIRMED: India to build its first foreign Naval Base in Seychelles

    One full Indian base is required at Oman. Oman is quite friendly. We need a base near the Chinese Djibouti base. Do anyone know what kind of infrastructure will be set up in these base ?
  20. Bagha

    Nepal PM to visit China in likely snub to India?

    That'll depend on how much they are willing to play this game with us. Firstly a change in regime will be on card , if they can't explain themselves to New Delhi. They have got some serious explanation to do. Regardless of what you read in major news outlets we have serious influence in Nepal...
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