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  1. fox 2

    Çay Bahçesi

    Konu Erdoğan değil ama şu an insanlara PKK' nın bile terör örgütü olduğunu kabul ettiremez noktaya geldik, biz terörist olduk. Bizi hiç sevmediler ama hiç bu kadar kötü durumda değildik. Müslüman-seküler rol modeli bir ülke iken radikal islamcı terörist destekçisi ülke olduk çıktık. Burada kimse...
  2. fox 2

    Russian Su-24 rescued pilot first interview

    From NATO announcement Q (CNN): The Russians are saying the plane was shot down over Syrian territory and never went into Turkish territory. Are you convinced that it was shot down indeed over Turkish airspace and that Turkish airspace was indeed violate? Secretary General: TheAllied...
  3. fox 2

    Çay Bahçesi

    S-400 müş gemiymiş bunlar hikaye. Hava kuvvetlerimize, EH yeteneklerimize antrenman olurlar sadece. Benim uçağımı Doğu Akdenizden vuracak gemi veya burnumuzun ucundaki batarya 30 dakika daha tek parça kalamaz ama mesele o değil zaten. Kaşınıyor bu ayılar. O füzeyi atacak adam savaşı göze almış...
  4. fox 2

    #IstandWithRussia: Social media express solidarity with Moscow, mourn killed pilot

    We are in defence position you dumb. We not gonna attack russian planes. If they do something we'll do something don't worry.. And even our F-4' s has better avionics than russian junks. No need say F-16' s.
  5. fox 2

    Turkish PM seeks to reduce tensions with Russia

    How old are you ? Is he must said ''We''ll gonna f4ck russia ta-ta-ta !!!'' something like this ???????? Shut up, child.
  6. fox 2

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    Russia need to understand this. You can't came from 1000 mile away and acting like a mafia of the region. This is our region. You need to work with us. If you don't like us you can go to hell.
  7. fox 2

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    Stop saying that. Our F-16 fired the missile from 60 km inside of our borders. Just shut up.
  8. fox 2

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    17 second case is bullshit. We warned russians before 45 km out from our borders. And they come 1 km near we still keep warning. ''This Turkish Air force guard change your route'' And they are keep coming. They are violated our airspace 4km one time and we still warned them. But again one plane...
  9. fox 2

    Vladimir Putin slams Turkey for shooting down Russian warplane near Syrian border

    17 second case is bullshit. We warned russians before 45 km out from our borders. And they come 1 km near we still keep warning. ''This Turkish Air force guard change your route'' And they are keep coming. They are violated our airspace 4km one time and we still warned them. But again one plane...
  10. fox 2

    Turkey doesn't like to see its airspace violated. Why do they continue to violate Greece's ?

    Greece have no problems with that because they now this is bullshit. We have 6-12 mile problem and we declared this is a war reason. So why Greece not shot our planes you fools ? Use your brains (if you have)
  11. fox 2

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    We have Turks over there you idiots. We went there to secure and isolate them from murderers and nobody can't said anything. This is how we done.
  12. fox 2

    Turkey downed Russian Su-24, what comes next?

    Notting will happened. Russia can't do whatever he wants. Russia here because of ISIS. Go and kill them. You can't play with us here. This is our region.
  13. fox 2

    Çay Bahçesi

    @Lure Senin kadar sığ bir insan görmedim. Bak mesajlarını gördüğüm andan itibaren seni açıklayacak tek kelime rezillik. Hakaret değil bu. Yazık sana. Biraz utan yazma bari daha fazla. Hele Rusya konusunda dediklerin tam bir facia ya. Dünyadan haberin yok senin. Yeter sinir etme insanları.
  14. fox 2

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    Ben o halifeyi protesto ettğim için göz altına alındım, biber gazı yedim merak etme. Daha fazla konuşmaya gerek yok. Durumun farkında değilsin sen. O halifeyi içerde yıkacaksın. Dışarıya malzeme vermeyeceksin. Yarın BM barış gücü buraya demokrasi için gelir veya Rusya IŞİD destekçisi diye ülkeyi...
  15. fox 2

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    @Lure Yazdığın her şeyin açıklaması var ama senin rezilliğinin açıklaması yok. Yazıklar olsun. Daha fazla yazıp da konuyu kirletmeyelim.
  16. fox 2

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    No we' ll just show radar track to NATO.
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