In the some big chinese city,the couple prefer the girl rather than the boys.
If you have boy ,you have to work harder,preprare the money for your son forture wedding,cause the girl will not marry a man without the appartment in the city while the people in the countryside like boy traditionally.
Agree,the life level is improving ,people always want to be better and cost rise,you can feed the children like the sheep but nowaday you have to pay more for the baby with higher salary which means more pressured life for your married life.:what:
I think it is too late for china to open the...
The Chinese supper league make me suck and I would not wacth the game any more.My hometown wuhan football team have qiute the supper league years age against the corruption and soccer fraud and I never see the league any more.
China have a crazy enthusiasm about the soccer when I was...
I really hope the England can help china to terminate the terrible China fuking mans football team.:guns:This team make an old football fan sick for many years.
Poverty Reduction nowadays is not only a mission for China. To improve the quality of life level can also increase the domestic consumption. The infrastructure is the first step, when the whole area economic development, the increasing consumption ability will happened soon. The people are...
Chinese lost the war finally,the indian defend the territory at least, but chinese has to retreat and lost their military goal.Once again the chinese show their weekness and failure.I wonder why indian didnt try to go futher to Tibet and liberate the Tibetnese who as slaves for the...