I think they means 5 more SU35 for F5 replacement. Like I said real F5 replacement should be Air Superiority fighter as its role/function and operational requirements of air force.
What caught my eyes is 21 LIFT & 8 COIN? Really? More likely these 2 would be pushed back for after 2024
And as...
This Korean Defense Industry development is impressive. Supported by advance commercial electronic/manufacture/metalurgy, global scale industry with integrated supply chain it wont be a surprise if they pretty soon surpass the Israeli in terms of technology advancement. Perhaps the only...
Nah ini gw seneng, out of the box thinking. Seperti kata Ruhmana macam Amerika gitu. Tapi semua kembali lagi ke kesiapan ekonomi negara dalam hal kesempatan kerja seandainya mereka selesai masa kontrak. Budget gede tapi kalau 55% lebih buat bayar gaji ya tetep susah buat investasi asset. Berita...
Yes you are right. I cant find the old link source, but there was a talk about India-MY-INA cooperation to secure the Malacca straight from Andaman sea (the Malacca gate) to the straight. I was just interested to see the MY respond to that idea before, but the result is as expected. That was...
For those of you who like reading, this article of China White Paper published July 2019 can be an interesting reading material. We can also relate on how ASEAN regional security and balance of power are going to be played out in a future...
My knowledge about armored vehicle in particular and Army in general is limited. Army is the branch I have the least interest in. But I have a question, Anoa is mostly APC variants afaik. Why the army didnt order more? Is the need for 6 wheeled APC is not that many? Is the spektek doesnt meet...
Agree, Im personally not a fan of KCR 60 but the industry need to learn producing its own design and fix/upgrade it along the way. We can have millions of ToT in ship building but on hand design experience is still essential part of technology and human resource. No human being nor the...
Its all depend on threat assesment and geopolitical/regional security development. From air force stand point I think if they can pull 1 sqa of SU35 and 2 sqa of F16 in the next 5 years it should be enough specially to cover depleting fleet of Hawk from 2025 onward. After that IFX will be assess...
Those 2 underline sentences corelate each other. Im more to Mrs. Connie Bakrie that said the MEF should be looked again considering the current threat/geopolitic/situation and to be in line with President vision of poros maritim. But its hard to Modify MEF without first modifying the doctrine...
So true. At this time being the purchase plane for F16 is just right, we will have more to gain. To name a few: Our expertise with F16 specially with the latest Falcon STAR program is not going to be wasted, logistic wise we already have couple class A airfield base for F16 (Iswahjudi &...
Yeah, and this double engine medium class fighters might be our future Fighters back bone as it has good range, decent LCC (Life Cycle Cost) and tag price compare to pure Heavy fighter type.
Oh man I love F15X, and the one with internal bay its just awesome. But yeah like you said the chance is...
Maybe thats some of the reasons. Railroad investment hasnt been done afaik, only preliminary study but the result is unpleasing to them. One of the reason is if its only do cargo then ROI would be unacceptable, if they add gerbong penumpang it contradict with the regulation which only allow...
Budget wise I dont think it would be taken from new capital budget. The thought of getting 16 Viper from new capital budget simply tell us that we only can afford 16 fighters out of 32 Viper we are going to get. So the other 16 have to be taken from other budget post/source, thats prolly when...
TNI AU borong dua Skadron F-16 Viper 2020-2024
Selasa, 29 Oktober 2019 00:28 WIB
Pekanbaru (ANTARA) - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara RI, Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna menyatakan wilayah udara Ibu Pertiwi akan diperkuat dengan pesawat anyar super canggih dari Lockheed Martin, F-16 Block 72 Viper yang...
Only medium sized? Oh well...
Agree, should be naval aviation tho navy should really improve their aviation infrastructure and human resource. Something thats prolly going to cost them huge amount of budget, regardless it has to be done soon or later. About braggin rights? I can only...
Oh wow thats a nice looking Helicopter. The good thing about US design is the "ergonomic" where each section has its own unique purpose to make the crew job easier. With foldable blade this thing can really do its job well for our makassar fleet/SSV. Very suitable for navy, and can be used for...
My guess is they having disagreemant as well. Each branch wants to excel its capabilities, AU need MPA to target enemy ship/subs, AL needs the same thing and to make it worst they share the same budget. So yeah its kinda positive internal conflict for the greater good...
I hope so, we need that AIP for our outer layer defense/patrol/missions
Yea, they fail to mention the source code tho. I have faith if Mahfud involve in it, he can smell bullshit miles away and most of the time have good antidote for it.