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  1. OldTwilight

    Iranian Chill Thread

    give the salary in dollars , the remove subsids ...
  2. OldTwilight

    Iran 4th country with Hypersonic Technology

    They have their owns ... and no , no country sells Hyper-sonic missiles to other countries
  3. OldTwilight

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Ukrainians military personals have hard time seeing these ... its has more flat surface and is more stealth ...
  4. OldTwilight

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    I'm saying this for years , people were marking me with lable likes " cowards , hardliner , idiot , ... " but the truth is that the westerns are savage and in war , we can only rely on ourselves ... The Zions are killing thousands of children and no one care about Palestinians ( even Iran ) ...
  5. OldTwilight

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    You are giving so much credit to the zions women ... The Palestinains are fighting against the combined best and most trained warriors of the west , from US delta force to British and Germans ...
  6. OldTwilight

    Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

    I.S.I doesn't have public support for getting involved directly in any conflict against zions and the westerns ... they are going to lose even more of their credibility among iranians after incoming so called parliament election .
  7. OldTwilight

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Your argument is pointless. The westerns were killing each other since dawn of known history . At least Muslims didn't commit genocide against themselves in past 100 years .... This issue won't get solved till the Zion regim get destroyed....
  8. OldTwilight

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Zions tried to bring USA military might to the conflict .... That's why they are committing genocide against plastinians to force other party to involve directly....if other parties get involved , we are sure that USA will enter the war to save them .... The west lost their fake moral high...
  9. OldTwilight

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Khameni decision to brand nuclear weapons as harram was mistake , ( and he did it assure our enemies !!!! )
  10. OldTwilight

    Iranian Chill Thread

    what the point of red line ? If Akhonds are afraid of losing their power and lives , they should not draw red line for Zions and The westerns .
  11. OldTwilight

    Iranian Chill Thread

    The current ongoing genocide in Gaza shows that our current enemies have no morale scope . In any war with us , they will try to kill our population in mass ... So for god know how many time, as a sane and brave realistic Iranian , I repeat myself :" Iran should have nuclear weapons"
  12. OldTwilight

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    They can try.
  13. OldTwilight

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    They are doing well , but the media is biased .
  14. OldTwilight

    Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

    First we should target them in occupied golan heights and southten Lebanon and then target all of their power plants , fuel storage and then shower then with shaheds
  15. OldTwilight

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Zions should be punished directly by Iran right now .... The problem is that nuclear armed USA is threating us and we has no real and effective method to respond then in case of war ( like leveling their cities and turned their cities to un liveable wasteland )
  16. OldTwilight

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Fun fact If Iran was armed with nukes , then USA couldn't threat us .... ( This is what happen when you don't arm yourself with nukes to show your good intentions to the west ) I'm repeating my words for almost over a decade , IRAN SHOULD HAVE NUKES
  17. OldTwilight

    Iranian Chill Thread

    They won't, Iran leaders already decided to intervine directly , If the west commit it resources here at this 5ime , they will lose both Ukraine and Taiwan as well and start to lose everything ....
  18. OldTwilight

    Iranian Chill Thread

    خوار شد کسی که در خانه با دشمن جنگید . امام علی ع راز قدرت آمریکا اینه که جنگ خاش رو بیرون خاکش انجام می ده
  19. OldTwilight

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    back then even injuring one of zions was big deal , now days , killing them is become a common routine.
  20. OldTwilight

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    now , russia can take revenge by shooting down Americans jets in syria ..
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