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  1. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Did you notice the Cobra's nose from the first picture? New radar!
  2. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Very good Iran. This small fighter plane is very powerful and a nice advance for the Iranian army. :wave:
  3. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    It smells like Bavar 373, do you feel it:dance3::yes4::chilli:
  4. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    unbelievable Thelmmortal still says anything and understands absolutely nothing to the Iranian army and even less to the air force. You will soon see that he says anything and that the Kowsar is a more surprising fighter than he thinks. But I love that he underestimates Iran, it's a good sign...
  5. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    You're really right and do not pay attention to Thelmmortal's claims, he does not understand how the Iranians work. It's Western thought limited! Yes the Iranians are more advanced than they show us
  6. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    You underestimate these planes and Iranian scientists and for me it's perfect. We will see in the future but I have the impression that you will be surprised. There are people who search and I like that. There are really spectacular advances in Iran and we are going to discover many things. It's...
  7. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Building a new plane 100% takes time and money and during this time, the air force does not strengthen. Then Iran has decided to make more advanced planes through the old models. These planes become active for combat as the new aircraft takes shape. The F-4 SM is an active platform for the...
  8. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    TheImmortal The art of understanding anything again! I saw it already before registering on this forum that I follow since a few years. It's YOU the fool in good Westerners who does not understand how the Iranian army works. I know they are working on their new heavy fighter planes but the F-4...
  9. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    TheImmortal The most seriously of the world what are you doing on this forum? You do not master your subject and you have a serious problem of comprehension. Do not worry because what I am saying is going to be confirmed and there are people on this forum who are really looking for it and are...
  10. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    TheImmortal It is you who do not understand Iran's scientific process and their announcement process. You are a few years late on the news. The F-4 SM is an active platform transition to the new aircraft and the new cell. This will eventually be admitted but Iran is still slow to demonstrate...
  11. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    The F4-SM is already a reality in several copies. The new engine is already a reality but it seems that you have great difficulty understanding the announcement process about military novelty. They are almost always ahead of their military orders, that's what you need to understand
  12. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Again on this forum, many people speculate and say anything. Iran is more advanced than you think in fighter jets. Kowsar and F-4 SM are very advanced. You underestimate the advancement of Iran in fighter planes and I think it's pretty great. The process of Iran is very clever and methodical and...
  13. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    The F-4 SM is more than an improved F4, it's a new plane with a new cell. Same plane model but with a new cell, new radar, new cockpit, new electronics and more
  14. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    The Immortal still comes back to us with a weak analysis. Sorry but Iran is in the club of the 4 greatest powers in Air Defense and will not be overwhelmed by the US. Your 15 years of research are not very useful. In addition, the artillery will do a lot of interception in the last seconds of...
  15. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    It's been a few years since I followed this forum and I registered this year. Dear TheImmortal your analyzes are often very painful to read. About Bavar 373 you will have big surprise. Yes, it will be the first generation but this first generation will be unique in the world. A new generation of...
  16. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Iran does not need S-400 and you will see why at the official presentation of Bavar-373. Iran is fully capable of making its own high-powered air defense systems .. FALSE, the S-200 system and the S-300PMU do not have the only long-range air defense system. The Talash system has also become a...
  17. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Youuu houuu https://spacewatch.global/2016/11/irans-growing-dependency-on-chinas-beidou-satellite-navigation/
  18. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    The art of demagoguery! Each fighting boat is different with different options. We already have speedboats equipped with missiles and will soon arrive a new fastest of all.
  19. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    No, no and no !! The orange is not missile Sayyad 4 . The white missile is other things! It's up to you! This is the sayyad 3
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