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  1. Air Wolf

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Following picture circulating on social claiming WS13 being tested on JF17 in China. Any truth in it?
  2. Air Wolf

    Undo 18th Amendment

    But to make South Punjab province, the resolution has to be passed by Punjab assembly where PPP doesn't have any considerable number of seats. The only big parties there are PLMN and PTI and PLMN will never let PTI to move forward with this. First of all they think of Punjab as their personal...
  3. Air Wolf

    Undo 18th Amendment

    No expert in law or anything but I think you need 2/3 majority if you want to touch the constitution. However new laws can be passed with simple majority in NA and senate. Secondly to make a new province you need 2/3 in the provincial assembly as well.
  4. Air Wolf

    PMIK wins vote of confidence

    His supporters doesn't expect anything less but this time it will be a suicide mission. If he fires them he may not be the PM anymore.
  5. Air Wolf

    PMIK wins vote of confidence

    High moral ground can't be selective. Will IK take any concrete action against his MNAs who sold their votes? BTW I am no patwari. Just wanted to clarify before being labeled as one. Big supporter and as well as voter of IK but this selective display of morality is becoming a bit embarrassing.
  6. Air Wolf

    If you think the PTI government is doing badly, how can it improve?

    1. Change Buzdar. Appoint someone who has the strength and vision to run a province with 1.5 trillion budget. 2. Make new provinces. Power should not be concentrated in only 4 places. 3. Accountability should be across the board. If their is corruption of any sort amongst his own ranks, he...
  7. Air Wolf

    PTI goes to SC over Daska polling & asks ECP to withhold notification of Gillani

    Bajwa is turning out to be a liability with every passing day. There is a reason why you are supposed to go home when you retire. He is an old tired man and the corrupt mafia knows this very well.
  8. Air Wolf

    PM Imran Khan will ask for vote of confidence

    Of course outside forces are there. Some not so brotherly countries when you don't tow their line.
  9. Air Wolf

    PM Imran Khan will ask for vote of confidence

    If its planned, most probably a couple of guys other than IK himself would know....not even the whole cabinet
  10. Air Wolf

    PM Imran Khan will ask for vote of confidence

    Just for a split second the same thoughts came to my mind as well....but such a grand scheme...I don't know...maybe Edit: Another thing....from where the video leaked last night....most probably one of the 4 PTI members who were with Ali Gillani during negotiations. Double cross.
  11. Air Wolf

    thanks...will do

    thanks...will do
  12. Air Wolf

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Amazing workmanship. Build quality has improved remarkably over the years.
  13. Air Wolf

    didn't received any notification

    didn't received any notification
  14. Air Wolf

    Pak Navy uniform is no more white now?

    White is still there....remember the pics from Aman 21 exercise. Chief was in white in every meeting
  15. Air Wolf

    Assalaam-u-Aluikum, I would like to know why my post from the following thread was deleted. I...

    Assalaam-u-Aluikum, I would like to know why my post from the following thread was deleted. I am quite new here and I genuinely want to know what was wrong with my wording. Pak went back on its F-16 promise to US. How India fixed the gaps with Rafale
  16. Air Wolf

    Guns Fall Silent on the LoC

    Best post on this thread describing india in the most accurate way possible
  17. Air Wolf

    Pakistan release new video of Abhinadan

    Agreed with one of the stinking indian...no need to display reverse Stockholm syndrome. He didn't came to Pakistan to serve humanity. It's Allah SWT's blessing that both our pilots got home safely. It could very easily have been the other way around. In that case would your sentiments have been...
  18. Air Wolf

    PAF Celebrating Mirage Golden Jubilee

    Have a weird feeling that this celebration was sort of a farewell...
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