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    Egypt unilaterally determines its maritime borders with Libya.

    Oh you are so sweet, you care so much about Libya and the welfare of its people. Oh please, stop this fake human rights and freedom bullshit. You don't give a **** about Libya's interests, this is about you, Turkey is gonna lose its supposed imaginary territories with Libya. I don't see how this...
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    Egypt unilaterally determines its maritime borders with Libya.

    Hey bro @Oublious , if you do not like it, do something about it. It's as simple as that really.
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    Zionist Retired Soldier Recalls, Laughing: We Raped a 16-Year Old Girl, Put Palestinians in Cages Before Killing Them, Burnt Them With Flamethrowers

    This happened right after their holocaust. Instead of coming to the land in peace and seeking refuge among Palestinians who welcomed them, they took it all on innocent Palestinians.
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    Turkish Navy to be in strongest position with major Projects

    He just told you Egypt will fight for Egyptian interests, and you say it will fight for Greek/French interests again! Do you just read words without understanding them ? Turkey is the one making concessions by not supporting MB anymore and changing its tone in media towards Egypt. Egypt does...
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    Medusa-12, a joint military exercise between Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, USA and Saudi Arabia

    I'm literally laughing so hard right now 😄, Have a good day guys !
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    Medusa-12, a joint military exercise between Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, USA and Saudi Arabia

    Check this link, it provides good info on the Medusa drills and states the military hardware that each country participates with in the exercise. https://www.military.africa/2022/11/medusa-12-military-exercise-underway-in-the-mediterranean-sea/ You can also follow this guy's tweets, he posted...
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    Medusa-12, a joint military exercise between Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, USA and Saudi Arabia

    You still didn't answer me how we (Mainly Egypt) are supporting apartheid.
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    Medusa-12, a joint military exercise between Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, USA and Saudi Arabia

    Does anyone know if there are any moderators here to whom we can complain about this hate speech? This can not go unnoticed.
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    Medusa-12, a joint military exercise between Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, USA and Saudi Arabia

    How exactly are we supporting apartheid, Care to explain please? Also why did you bring that up on this thread which has nothing to do with what you're talking about?
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    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Your president is such a hypocrite, he said he would never meet nor handshake with a "dictator" like Sisi, yet here he is doing the opposite of what he said. I would never trust a person who pretends to have principles just to gain popularity among the masses. I honestly don't want our country...
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    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Unfortunately, I have nothing to add to the discussion because I'm just an average guy who doesn't know much about military stuff, but I have an interest in following the latest news about our military because I'm a little bit patriotic and love my country so much. I have been following this...
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    انا طالب فى جامعة معنديش معلومات أضيفها للأسف ، أنا بس مهتم بالأخبار العسكرية و حابب أزود معلوماتى

    انا طالب فى جامعة معنديش معلومات أضيفها للأسف ، أنا بس مهتم بالأخبار العسكرية و حابب أزود معلوماتى
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