So the men who don't settle get a free pass ? You don't think that's degenerate behaviour ? And how exactly can you prove that the average women wouldn't settle for an average man ? This bullshit incel arguement that all women only aim for the top 10% of "alpha" males has nothing to back it up...
It's a good thing they still exist in Europe.
So let's get this clear, the only reply on this post was me calling this guy a conspiracy theorist.
And then the next post is you claiming that only a "libastard" (my signature is ever relevant) would call this guy a conspiracy theorist. And then...
Maybe the ones from KPK but with IK not doing much for the merger I'd say the people of FATA aren't too fond of him. And it seems like the movement has mostly died out now that the govt is ready to talk and catering to alot of demands. As to why the establishment didn't favour this in the first...
And the man that she married ? I'm guessing he doesn't represent all men ?
Like I've said before there's trashy people everywhere. How many men do you have married trashy Barbie dolls only because they care what she looks like ? Tens of millions I'd say. How many idolized Mumtaz Qadri knowing...
So just a simple question. How many men would choose a plain Jane over supermodel ? Not many I'd say. They'd be ready to settle for a person with a worse personality but who's more attractive. Same with women.
Ofcourse not everyone would do this. But fact of the matter so that there's trash men...
The context of the discussion was political which is why I found it funny. And no he most certainly isn't one. But how exactly do you define religious conservativeness ? Idealzing norms from the middle ages ?