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  1. simple Brain

    What Pakistan Army Should Do To Redeem Itself?

    Fascism, Greed, Arrigance, selfish desires, cowardness & vulnerability these are the common factors that your opponent make you squeal, & that's exactly what's happening with our establishment & judiciary right now.
  2. simple Brain

    What Pakistan Army Should Do To Redeem Itself?

    I reckon you have started a great thread here; wanted to ask these questions myself for quite a long time. There are many factors, however I would like to mention few. 1. Stop mendling in domestic politics & start mendling in International politics especially that of USA (since they have an...
  3. simple Brain

    US B-52 flying over Kandahar

    Once in Power, funding is not going to be a problem for Taliban, there are many reasons to it, will explain them thoroughly some another time.
  4. simple Brain

    Army struggling to pay for medicine, fuel, food for soldiers | Money Talks

    Lebanon should hand over its internal and border security to Hezbollah, the Lebanon army was always in barracks anyway, they hardly participated in 2006 Israel Lebanon war.
  5. simple Brain

    US B-52 flying over Kandahar

    So Americans played Taliban like a riddle. They wanted a secure passage to get out with all their precious equipment and cargo, they knew that if we do not make a peace with Taliban before leaving, Taliban will hit us more severely like they did to USSR when it was leaving Afghanistan back in...
  6. simple Brain

    Turkey in Afganistan: Pak Support is Must

    Lets hope that this will be the case, I know there are talks going to happen between Turkey and Taliban, and I hope that these talks conclude successfully for both ends.
  7. simple Brain

    Turkey in Afganistan: Pak Support is Must

    Brother Probably majority of the People on this forum and in Pakistan consider Turkey a Pakistan's brotherly Nation and we literally have an immense respect for our Turkish Citizens. However, in a matter of Afghanistan I do not think that the majority will agree with Turkey taking over Kabul...
  8. simple Brain

    It's Time for a Regime Change in Gulf Countries!

    First of all you should learn how to respect others, if you don't have anything concrete on this matter than it's better to stay away from this topic, it's not necessary to poke your nose in matters that are beyond your intelligence.
  9. simple Brain

    It's Time for a Regime Change in Gulf Countries!

    My statement was not meant for common Saudis and Scholars, it was for those 6500 Saudi Royals who rule Saudi Arabia! There are thousands of cases that indicate they do not follow Islam, but I'm not here to explain how good or bad they are; the reality is they had it already. Helping West to...
  10. simple Brain

    It's Time for a Regime Change in Gulf Countries!

    you will be surprised when you will watch yourself that how Arab street environment will change overnight! UAE is united because of of 7 states, who knows when one of the state stands against the Abu Dhabi Government!
  11. simple Brain

    Faith in The Coming Collapse of China is shaking

    Its amazing to watch Canadian and Greek getting along so good in bashing China. So what if the Chinese Companies have either direct or indirect links with China's Communist Party? America's all the larger firms like Facebook, Google Intel have direct or indirect links with US establishment...
  12. simple Brain

    It's Time for a Regime Change in Gulf Countries!

    For decades US and it's Western allies have been protecting several Gulf Countries to maintain their dictatorship and the reason for that was to uphold their interests in these Countries. History is evident that US and it's Western allies never accepted the Regimes in Europe in Asia in African...
  13. simple Brain

    Featured Pakistan Cabinet approved New Political Map of Pakistan

    This is a great move, it will surely open doors for us to take a decisive action against Indian atrocities in IOK.
  14. simple Brain

    Afghanistan Jail Break, was it CIA, Mossad & Raw Collective Operation?

    JALALABAD, Afghanistan — As New York Times states that; A militant assault on a prison complex in eastern Afghanistan ended on Monday after a 20-hour gun battle, leaving 29 people dead and officials scrambling to recapture hundreds of prisoners, including many from the Islamic State and the...
  15. simple Brain

    How CIA is tracking Pakistan Nuke Site Locations

    Military never trust Civilians the way they trust their own. And in majority of cases Civilians do not have a stomach for the harsh conditions that they suppose to work in. In addition having a Civilians on sensitive locations for a prolong period of time increases the risk of a sabotage.
  16. simple Brain

    How CIA is tracking Pakistan Nuke Site Locations

    Your concerns are right, however technicians and scientists do not travel by air and majority of them have devoted their lives for either protection or development of our assets, hence majority of them live in on site accommodations. As long as location of these strategic sites are concerned...
  17. simple Brain

    Compulsory Military Training for Pakistanis

    Your Priorities are quite similar to that of the Arab world, they want to live in peace. Peace without a war is inevitable. Now what I or others can do to outreach your vision of knowing the current world circumstances? We can't do much about it, however all we can do is to explain it that why...
  18. simple Brain

    Compulsory Military Training for Pakistanis

    For decades compulsory military training for Pakistani youth has been a subject of debate. However, this crucial issue has had always become more of a political debate than a strategic necessity. Currently Pakistan has only 640,000 active military personals, and we have pretty much the same...
  19. simple Brain

    Prime Minister Imran Khan's message on Srebrenica Genocide

    Finally we have spoken, Alhamdullilah, time is changing and the time of war is coming closer, remember the more we will stand for the rights of our Muslim brothers and sisters the more we will face the resistance from the west, war is inevitable with the west and India no matter how peaceful...
  20. simple Brain

    OPINION - Galwan valley incident..a huge disappointment for pakistan

    Aren't they just had a great one last night...
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