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  1. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Naval Aviation - Updated

    Any more modifications of new atr 72 in pipeline because these 3 ?
  2. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    J10c was a master stroke by paf. Even if iaf gets f35 from USA, paf will be able handle..... not 1:1 but will be able to handle. However with current political and economic crisis I highly doubt it is sustainable for paf to continue modernization and maintain this fleet.
  3. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Air Force to procure Belgian C-130 Transport Aircraft | June 2022 .

    Are these c130 h to replace c130 b of paf
  4. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Naval Aviation - Updated

    This is not a pn ship
  5. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Fake , but will be possible or may be already done
  6. syed_yusuf

    Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

    What difference does it make
  7. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    It seems we as a nation has lost our soul
  8. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    It seems one example next to tornado looks like su30
  9. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Ok I see the vertical stabilizers
  10. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Did u notice su30/35 in the background
  11. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

    Counting them in it still seems top heavy
  12. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    I sincerely hope so
  13. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    My personal view With change in order and change in Pakistan stance. Coupled with economic meltdown... China is at best delaying the delivery of rest of 30 examples
  14. syed_yusuf

    Mirage III / V of Pakistan Air Force

    They are still in use
  15. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    With all the sell out running the country and moving away from China why would China invest and help Pakistan
  16. syed_yusuf

    Mirage III / V of Pakistan Air Force

    Time to move to 5th gen fighter
  17. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

    Good analysis.. it seems all three armed forces are top heavy
  18. syed_yusuf

    Pak Navy Induct - PNS HAIBAT indigenous FAC Ship

    These are good enhancements but base design remain the same that is why it is still azmat class.
  19. syed_yusuf

    World Exclusive: F-16 Block-52 Flying With J-10C

    On paper j10cp will win hands down. Considering same pilot skills and even support.
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