there is two kinds country in this list
1-country like US UK in some case Switzerland or even germany and france a little bit!.they can print money like mf and sell it to other and solve the problem!...
2- country like Greece Spain they already has f u econemy with no hope...
i understand...
Turkey made very good progress. It only has one big problem. Its foreign debt is close to half a trillion dollars. I do not know how they want to pay this debt or even interest ?
For comparison, Iran has only 7 billion foreign debts due to its situation, while tens of billions of Iranian money...
congratulation to yemenis . damn that look impressive.saudis should not get upset they can use the base as garbage dumper .it dont have much different from before.
Do not compare us with Turkey. They are one of the American puppets in the region. and We are not in the same league really...
Someone remembers this photo. After arrest of this spy, they said we will imprison him and so on. They released him immediately after Trump's first threat!. We...