Even though most of these muslim rulers were using Islam for their own agenda still Muslims to this day see these invasions as good thing that helped to expand Islam at the same time they complain about western,Russian and Chinese imperialism?!
It’s seems these fukers don’t learn last time they killed PMF/PMU members then their embassy got sieged then attacked by missiles than Iraqi parliament asked them to leave but they didn’t now their embassy and forces are being attacked Dailey it seems they never learned from their stupidity...
These cowboys are pathetic the Safavids,ottomans,Mughals,mongols, and Russians who were all toughers they couldn’t control the Afghans but these cowboys with there advanced weapons think they can they should ask Alexander the Great and and Genghis khan about controlling the Afghans lol.
And think with the hit and run tactics will back up and leave just like what happened with the clown actor Reagan in Lebanon.
As for killing senators that will not be necessary but killing their intelligence officers such as mossad and CIA just like what happened with William Buckley would be...
Killing soldiers is useless they should go after the CIA officials and high ranking military members or even after graham and Bolton.
What I don’t understand is why Iranians told warned the Iraqis before the missile attack on January??
Sorry but I don’t respect the animals who glorify people that raped their ancestors just like low life blacks who say Alavert brought them to Jesus:lol:
Even the afghans look down on you even though they are brown themselves but just because they are lighter and the same think with you Pakistanis against Indians and bengals the norther indians look down upon the southern indians who are darker.
Yeah you hate imran hossein because he said the truth it's seems you animals always bark at the western colonization but you don't have problem with the the so called islamic colonization and invasion in fact you glorify the muslim invaders while you bark at the western imperialism don't you see...
Why you keep running you Islamist coward and don't quote my entire post?!
And why you keep barking and insist that iran is an alliance with india when you barking dog is an Allie with china and america and your beloved turkey is the first country to recognize israel and it's the second largest...
Nice try to filthy Islamist clown or didn't say anything anti pakistan I said would you support Afghanistan if an afghan regime claim pakistani territory the same goes with you barking dogs his you want the Iranians to support the fake republic of alievbayjan which they bark at iran and have...