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  1. 武成王

    Global Hunger Index: Bangladesh condition 'serious' but better than India, Pakistan

    I'm surprised at Sri Lanka is ranked 84, worse than MM, Nepal, the Sri Lanka's normal GDP Per Capita is near $ 4000, 3x of MM, 5x of Nepal. Sri Lanka has a population of only 21 million, the least among the three nations.
  2. 武成王

    Saudi Arabia becomes latest buyer of Russian S-400 system

    China didn't leak advanced nuclear technology to NK. NK employed lots of former SU nuclear scientist after 1991, and always sent their top physics students to Russia for academic training. What can China get to have a naughty nuclear power in our next door?
  3. 武成王

    Rise of China, US Civil War "Reconstruction," and Marshall Plan

    废话。港资大多是注册在香港的海外资本,不一定是香港本地,东南亚很多公司都注册在香港, 欧美也很多。 谈台湾重建大陆经济是很搞笑的说法,国共内战根本没结束,关系时好时坏,而且台商投资企业基本都是技术含量较低的劳动力密集型的企业。台商企业总体而言在大陆名声很差,好一点的人才根本不会去台湾企业就业,典型的农民工和较低教育水平的群体扎堆的企业。 台湾是中华民族伟大复兴之路的一个障碍,竟然自诩是重建中国经济的大功臣,真是滑天下之大稽。这篇奇文放到知乎上必定被群嘲。脸面可以很多种方式来赢取,但肯定不是这种搞笑的腔调。 台湾要知道自己几斤几两,美国援助欧洲重建尚可说的过去,台湾重建大陆经济?...
  4. 武成王

    Rise of China, US Civil War "Reconstruction," and Marshall Plan

    http://www.haijiangzx.com/2017/1005/1926541.shtml 日前,谷歌与HTC签署了的协议,谷歌将以11亿美元换取HTC移动设备部门负责Pixel手机开发的团队,并获取HTC的部分非独家知识产权。HTC变卖部分手机业务,标志着中国台湾曾经辉煌一时的手机产业彻底衰弱。其实在此之前,由于中国台湾当局对中国政府的敌视态度和一些台商的台独立场,已经使台湾面板、集成电路设计等行业的诸多公司损失惨重。 敌视大陆台湾面板产业由盛转衰...
  5. 武成王

    Rise of China, US Civil War "Reconstruction," and Marshall Plan

    Full of bullshit. HK captials are from all over the world, at early stage a large portion is from ASEAN. Marshal Plan is a cold war product, not American's charity. American also aid Japan, TW and South Korea. The rise of China is what Taiwan establishment want? Business is business, don't...
  6. 武成王

    Rise of China, US Civil War "Reconstruction," and Marshall Plan

    截至2014年底2月底,内地累计批准港资项目362291个,实际使用港资6783.7亿美元。按实际使用外资统计,港资占内地累计吸收境外投资总额的47.9%。 (注: 港资指在香港注册并投资大陆的资金, 不一定是香港本地的公司). 截至2013年12月底,大陆累计批准台资项目90018个,实际使用台资591.3亿美元。 按实际使用外资统计,台资占我累计实际吸收境外投资总额的4.2%。
  7. 武成王

    Afghanistan doesn't recognise Durand line as the International Border with Pak: Afghan Ambassador

    Cow shit! Afghanistan SIGNED treaty with British. Durand line is widely recognized by international community. China NEVER SIGNED with British on the fabricated McMahon line, the stupid British and its Bharat slaves DARED to fabricate a border line, In 1927, Britain published a set of official...
  8. 武成王

    Afghanistan doesn't recognise Durand line as the International Border with Pak: Afghan Ambassador

    You must be idiot, aren't you? When Qing ruled Xinjiang and Tibet, the geographical term India was called British India, Bharat didn't even have any legitimacy to talk about the matter of border.
  9. 武成王

    China needs to be more vocal in support of Rohingyas: Bangladesh

    Please have some logic. They were part of British Empire, they fought for British. UK, US, China were alliance during WWII, this didn't mean they share people. Are Rohingyas even relevant with China? Did THE Chinese hire Rohingyas back then? Hmong were hired by US, Rohingyas were hired by...
  10. 武成王

    China needs to be more vocal in support of Rohingyas: Bangladesh

    a paragraph from the following link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohingya_people Pakistan Movement During the Pakistan Movement in the 1940s, Rohingya Muslims in western Burma organized a separatist movement to merge the region into East Pakistan.The commitments of the British regarding the...
  11. 武成王

    China needs to be more vocal in support of Rohingyas: Bangladesh

    I didn't say who is 'native' or who is not. I'm only sure that point 1 is a historical issue, AT LEAST from British colonization era, or WWII. This indicate that there's no an easy solution to this problem. e.g. Palestine vs Israel.
  12. 武成王

    China needs to be more vocal in support of Rohingyas: Bangladesh

    There're at least 3 facts about this crisis. 1, The ethnicity collision has a root at least as early as when British colonized Bangla and Myanmar, or in a shorter timeline, at least from WWII when Japanese invaded Myanmar. 2, The immediate trigger of this issue is ARSA proactively attacked MM...
  13. 武成王

    India simply cannot afford to boycott “Made in China”

    China is gradually stepping into middle-high income society in the next decades. We need face the reality that some low end or middle end manufacture capacities are going oversea. Although India still struggle to build its domestic manufacture capability in a hard way, we need prepare for this...
  14. 武成王

    India simply cannot afford to boycott “Made in China”

    Don't worry, India will partly succeed in this boycott initiative, Chinese merchants are relocating some capacity to Pakistan and Africa, India will soon import 'Made in Pakistan' and 'Made in Ethiopia' since the same product will be cheaper than 'Made in China'.:D
  15. 武成王

    China jails man for teaching Islam online

    Online preaching is very easy to go wrong direction, this is the primary concern of government, spreading fake news and rumors which can cause riot, and instability of society is also a crime according to Chinese law, we already saw some nudnicks arrested for spreading fake terrorist attack news...
  16. 武成王

    Over 2000 years of economic history, in one chart

    This chart apparently make no sense, we can not accurately figure out GDP in the past 200 years, let alone thousand years ago. However, it make sense in that Ancient China and India(include Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, probably include southern part of Afghanistan) are known for wealth which...
  17. 武成王

    HSBC sees India as a $7 trillion economy by 2028, overtaking Germany, Japan

    “It (India) needs to broaden its specialisation (beyond just IT in business and cricket in sports) if it wants to run harder and fly higher,” it said." Elephant may run quicker however can it fly ? :D
  18. 武成王

    CNN: India's $17 billion bullet train: Leap forward or waste of money?

    Wrong. China has no interest to build India infrastructure in short term. China's oversea high speed project is less relevant with a pure railway+train business, it's only a small part of it, its value is to integrate ASEAN transportation and business network (resource, supply chain, market)...
  19. 武成王

    CNN: India's $17 billion bullet train: Leap forward or waste of money?

    we should congratulate India, I just want to see how Indian squeeze Japanese out of shit :D IF Japan really pour money into this project. Japan lose every bid of high speed train in ASEAN, well, they did sign a project with Thailand, however it's postponed for 'unknown reason', the Sino-Thai...
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