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  1. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    While I won't advocate for capturing someone's territory as we have to respect territorial integrity of every nation, from military point of view capturing Arakan from Burma is not a cake walk..... Burmese are tough fighters like Vietnamese and they can make life of invading army miserable...
  2. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    Even USA wont need BD... I do not hate BD as its our friend country but I am just purely talking by looking at geography.... Don't know why some members here have this delusion of strategic importance of BD. Take a look of this BoB map.... If USA opens up bases in BD then it will be cornered up...
  3. vishwambhar

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    I knew your reaction :lol:..... but this is what southern India film industry.... they will show anything..... Rajni kant can even beat a Dracula.... but they will entertain you..... no wonder nowadays bollywood is surviving on south remakes in hindi.....
  4. vishwambhar

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    When I was a kid I used to listen this southern India super star Chiranjeevi song at least 10 times a day..... awesome song with superb dance by Chiranjeevi..... @KedarT , @Goenitz , @fitpOsitive , @jamahir enjoy this song....
  5. vishwambhar

    Civilisations like India, China, Egypt have self esteem and can't be threatened: Sergey Lavrov

    Bro your posts are not clear or very difficult to understand.... why are you writing this way? Can you write in some simple way.....
  6. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    Sorry for the tagging error.... corrected
  7. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    Haha you're funny.... I thought you to be a serious poster initially..... Anyways read my reply to @BananaRepublicUK He was saying how USA had aim of deploying it's military in seven sisters.... I told him there's no such source confirming this aim of America and then as an example I told him...
  8. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    There's no such source which ever talked about any USA intentions about stationing troops in sisters state... if USA even then want to encircle China by landing military in India then seven sisters are not the only area sharing borders with China.... USA can use other areas such as Sikkim...
  9. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    Lol some day dreamers here seems to be actually believing as if NE is not connected to mainland India..... let me educate that NE is well connected with mainland India with 22 kms broad land corridor..... In case if hostile to India government comes to power in BD then India will have anyways...
  10. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    Firstly I'm not at all talking about USA opening bases in India to attack western China..... if you think that then please once again read all my posts on this thread.... I am only saying BD has a zero strategic value to checkmate China if they decide to use Myanmar to access BoB..... in order...
  11. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    That's fine then... my first reply to @Nergal was because he was trying to make it look like how important BD strategically for USA if in future if China uses Myanmar for BoB access.... they surely would love to see more USA friendly BD than China but certainly they don't require BD for opening...
  12. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    First you guys be clear on what you exactly want to say by important strategic location of BD. Is it to help India to protect seven sisters or it is if Myanmar is used by China for access to BoB then BD to be used for bases by USA by joining QUAD??? If it's for helping India then to some...
  13. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    . His post only shows how important BD is for China to either trouble India in the east or how useful BD is for India to save her seven sisters from China if BD join QUAD...... Your post suggest how BD strategic location is important for USA to checkmate China in BoB.... In this case more than...
  14. vishwambhar

    Suzuki to invest $4 billion on 2 new plants in India, PM Modi lays foundation stone

    Either he hasn't visited India or as @LakeHawk180 said his last visit must be long long time back.....
  15. vishwambhar

    No free lunches for USA anymore!

    So you are trying to say that if in future China try to use Myanmar to get access to globe via bay of Bengal then in that case Bangladesh strategic location is important for USA where she can make military bases to prevent or deter China??? If that is the case then why Bangladesh?? Why not...
  16. vishwambhar

    Suzuki to invest $4 billion on 2 new plants in India, PM Modi lays foundation stone

    Love Suzuki vehicles..... still one of the top selling cars brand in India and also one of the best when it comes to re selling value in India... sturdy enough with long life....
  17. vishwambhar

    India's Ashok Leyland to supply 1,400 school buses worth Rs 600 crore to the UAE

    Great success to Ashok Leyland.... It would be interesting to know what 55% of parts will be sourced in UAE...
  18. vishwambhar

    ZORAWAR.... New beast coming shortly.....

    Can you share some source confirming USA denied V22s to India? We have already purchased Apache, Chinook, C17, C130, P8s, MH60, MQ9 and predators, being offered naval fighter jets I highly doubt we will be denied V22s.... after all it's not something highly strategic item.....
  19. vishwambhar

    India presents China a two-front problem, says US navy chief

    @Lava820 Thanks for this detailed and very informative post....
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