A Hohol is proud to be a cannibal, eating the remains of a russian soldier. But it was an ukr. Soldier, died in a T-64BV.
Western values 2022. Let's hope our Herrenmensch Apollon see it. Sure he will became instant hungry.
Two obvious points:
1) Russia is warning the whole time, the Nato Regime in Kiev will stage false flag ops to blame russia. It's natos/anglo saxons modus operandi since more than 100 years. They tried it with the explosive filled theater in mariupol to blame the Russians, they are fabulating...
Don't forget the ISW Institute, posting maps about the ukraine war. It is de facto the same propaganda the ukraine regime is parroting, because she and her accomplices are running Ukraine and the whole war.
In this case you would have 2 effects. First is the slow down, second is the abrasive effect of the particles hitting the sats at around 14km/s and so destroying the surface. You could optimise the particle size so it has enough lifespan to deorbit the Starlink sats but at the same time getting...
Yep. Let's do the math here. The density in 500km LEO is around 10^-12 kg/m³. So a cube of (100m)³ has the mass of 10^-6 kg or 1mg. Enough the make the lifespan of LEO sats short, even the ISS needs its own engines. A tiny sat like the Starlink loses its energy much faster, because their mass...
No you can't, as per definition. For Starlink to work you have to a) put them on LEO and b) with a big density and all Starlink satellites from the same launch have their "ralway like" orbit. Means: All Starlink sats from the same launch have to fly trough the same cloud again and again and will...
Particle cloud ASAT weapon will be very effective against this tiny sats with very little mass + fixed low earth orbits. They already have a very short lifespan, because of the friction in LEO and their little mass.
Flying throught a particle cloud with enough density and in retrograde orbit...
You are talking to a 20 year old spoiled kid with no education, no life experience and no understanding of history and geopolitics at all. Here in germany we have a saying: Dumm wie drei Meter Feldweg. He haven't even finished his school, but giving here lectures about geopolitics.:lol:
First: I said Ukrainian propaganda is Nato Propaganda. And yes, you are repeating this propaganda here.
This Oryxsomething is collecting every photo(shopped) piece to serve the agenda. This is evidence in some cases, in others not.
Second: I mentioned the fake news from the so called "pro...
Russia is losing really, really bad! Russia weak, west stronk! "Poutin" stupid, west smart!
Based on what? Ukrop = Nato Propaganda? Or the fake news from the so called "pro Kremlin" newssite? Sorry to say this, but wake up! You are fooling your self and the longer you refuse to accept the...