Twitter sides with the IndianFacistRegime and Silenced PakKashmiri's on Twitter by block/deleting their tweets exposing India War Crimes and Crimes Against Humantiy!!!
Twitter blocked many Pak users who tweeted against India!!!
Now Twitter is doing this to the Westerners as well... Pakistan...
IronBrother mine,
You have raised the Core issue, rather dissected the Core Issue and how its interlinked to The Greatest Game in Twon and Pakistan is The Heartland!
Kashmir in its totality has had deep trade, cultural and religouso-Intellectual ties with China...even before the Qing period...
YoungPakBrother mine,
May Allah Bless your mother with health, happiness and long life!!!
I fail to disagree with the overall framework of your piece!
Indeed, there cann't be two tigers under one mountain.
I say it without bias or hate: India has never been History's Actor.
And in the...
6 months. 1Day+ ... still advancing, still unfodling, still laying its pieces/catalysts, The Moment of History in Acceleration!!!!
The US confirmed its decline with signing PeaceDeal with erstwhile 'bad guys'... POTUS calling them FreedomFighters - Both an event and a Catalyst
NordStream might provide WesternEurope with cheap gas and energy secutiry... but it will put extra strains on TransAtlantic partnership... i.e. no more shale gas from US to Europe.