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  1. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    This is some pathetic stuff.
  2. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    Armenia does not need Russia to destroy Azerbaboon again. Do you know how many Russian/Ukrainian mercenaries fought for Azerbaijan in NKR? Have you ever read ANY literature on the issue. Of course not! Armenians will literally have occupy Baku, go to Flag Square, burn the Azeri flag and replace...
  3. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    You don't have to go over the same thing every time, you can just keep your mouth shut. Turkey is an impotent nation. Couple of months ago, when Syria shot down Turkish F4, you or another bozkurt internet troll was saying that Turkey was not being a coward but acting smart. Now, you have...
  4. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    Well...you suck at it. PKK is still around. Besides, Turkey joins in then so does Russia. You realize that your army would have to kill the Russia guards on Armenia's Western border to intervene. Sometimes it seems that you are a smart guy, but such statements just make me wonder.
  5. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    20 years ago, a few Armenians with a common cause and some WW2 era rifles wiped the floor with your "brother" Azeris. I would love to see what kind of cr@p they would be without Turkey's aid. Probably wouldn't be able to tell the front of a Kalashnikov from its end:rofl:
  6. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    Sure :) Turkey will help Azerbaijan, just like they did in '93 and '94 :lol:
  7. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    Не трать время объяснят для этого идиотa. О&#1085...
  8. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    axper, it emphasizes my point. There are no good political relations between Russia and Azerbaijan, in fact they are bad. Russia will sell weapons to anyone. Turkey was ready to establish relations with Armenia if Armenia renounced all claims to Genocide and Western Armenia. If they did this...
  9. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    The answer is simple: Armenia does not have any money. The weapons it acquires from Russia are discounted/free. Also, relations between Turkey and Armenia are very complicated; Armenia would not buy weapons from them even if there was that option. Nothing to do with Russia's position.
  10. Kajutyun

    Turkey About To Receive 2 OHP-Class From USN, Bill Approved

    Lol yes it certainly is unfortunate. I have no idea why it passed in the House, and I don't care. It means nothing. In 2007, an Armenian Genocide recognition bill passed in the House and not the Senate...therefore it means nothing.
  11. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    Wtf....I have no idea what you write. Just type it in Turkish and stick it in Google Translate next time..... @Ulytau: Russian-Azerbaijani relations are deteriorating. Are you aware of the Gabala rader station issue? Besides, Russia never did any favors to Azerbaijan, only sold them...
  12. Kajutyun

    Turkey About To Receive 2 OHP-Class From USN, Bill Approved

    I meant best case scenario for Turkey genius. If I had it my way there would be no relations between America and Turkey, at least until Genocide recognition by the latter.
  13. Kajutyun

    Turkey About To Receive 2 OHP-Class From USN, Bill Approved

    poor fella, will even lie to himself. Consider this action by the Senate the same as a pocket veto by the president. No one will get back to it, a new bill will be reintroduced best case scenario.
  14. Kajutyun

    Turkey About To Receive 2 OHP-Class From USN, Bill Approved

    You're right, Turkey's naval capability was not effected. It's more of a lobbying victory, and the whole issue was widely covered in Armenian American media.
  15. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    Please read the second half of this article (explaining the issue) Scandal erupts around Safarov Mr. "Turkey/Azerbaijan share no border" believes that Turkey and Russia are close....not surprised. Are you aware that, when Erdogan phoned Putin and declared the Turkish Army is prepared to...
  16. Kajutyun

    Turkey About To Receive 2 OHP-Class From USN, Bill Approved

    I was about to post an Armenian news source, but I figured you would complain. Here, an Azeri one: US Congress shelves transfer of missile frigates to Turkey - Trend.Az
  17. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    There is no "Turkey Azerbaijan." When was the last time Turkey and Azerbaijan cooperated on the non-commercial sphere? NEVER. Turkey closed border w/ Armenia because of Genocide issues. There is no cooperation like between Russia-Armenia. Turkey abandoned you in '93 they will do it again I...
  18. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    turkmen, you seem unfamiliar with the issue. Azerbaijan's blockade is useless, as Azerbaijan exports practically nothing but oil. And Armenia already has a program that satisfies its energy needs. Furthermore, emigration from Armenia is due to lack of jobs, not "starvation". Lol worse than...
  19. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    What a joke. The exercises are being held in Baku, which geographically is a far cry from the mountainous conditions of the frontline. Azeris should stick to poetry instead of fighting.
  20. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    Yes, a few km. atatwolf once again shows how ignorant he is about his own country.
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