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  1. Kajutyun

    Armenia left out of Davos forum again

    Wtf is this? It's definitely not journalism. Armenian economy grew by 6.8% in 2012. How much did Azeri economy grow? Less than 2.5%? Yeah, that's what I thought.
  2. Kajutyun

    Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

    Armenian men, for the most part were killed in the following way: they were drafted into Ottoman army, where they were starved and this became vulnerable, and thus subsequently killed. So what you are saying is that Armenians attacked the Ottoman Empire because it was weak?!?!?! What kind of...
  3. Kajutyun

    Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

    Nobody has ever denied this. This is true, and I suppose that the Ottoman authorities would have been justified in convicting those belligerent Armenians (who numbered in the thousands, if that). But why did their have to be a genocide? Why were women and children systematically killed? Why were...
  4. Kajutyun

    Turkey following controversial Greek law with concern

    Maybe its just the non-Christians then. I have never heard of attacks on Armenians or Russians, despite their being a sizable community of both in Greece.
  5. Kajutyun

    Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

    Everytime a Turk talks about history, especially as it pertains to Armenians, I want to throw up. You saying that Hunchak and Dasknaks were the ones that started provocations is like saying that America declared war on Japan, and in response the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Nobody cares...
  6. Kajutyun

    Turkey following controversial Greek law with concern

    Golden Dawn targets Muslim minorities specifically. Others are left alone.
  7. Kajutyun

    Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

    And you do? What, because your Turkish? I'll tell you, Turkish dumb@sses are a dime a dozen around here. You ignored every single point I made in the post because you also acknowledge Turkey's hypocrisy. "It's not." Yeah, like you are some kind of expert. There is hard evidence of Turkish...
  8. Kajutyun

    Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

    Lol. What have I said in that post that you don't agree with; everything is factual. On a side note, you are no longer allowed to mention Armenia, or any other country that you have not been to, in any of your posts. I'm glad that you said this, as it gives me insight into the Turkish...
  9. Kajutyun

    Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

    Are...are you serious? Kurds didn't even have the right to speak their own language in Turkey until recently. In fact, the whole pretext for these negotiations are that PKK will lay down arms and Kurdish people will get more minority rights.
  10. Kajutyun

    Azeri Drones on ‘Spy Missions’ along Iran Border

    I'm getting tired with this condescending attitude. Of course Armenia, with a small economy, will not be producing the MQ-9 Reaper. But for what its worth, the KRUNK accomplishes exactly what it needs to: surveillance. There has not been one incident of it being shot down, despite the fact that...
  11. Kajutyun

    Azeri Drones on ‘Spy Missions’ along Iran Border

    I'm sorry...it's just that it looks like an Israeli drone and Turkey has lots of Israeli drones to copy from. What the f am I supposed to think.
  12. Kajutyun

    Azeri Drones on ‘Spy Missions’ along Iran Border

    @ASQ-1918 The Bavar 373 is an Iranian version of the S300, based off of the S300. There is no reason to believe that it is inferior. And please, if Iran wanted to, it could burn Baku to the ground in 30 minutes. You think that because your country bought some new toys with petrodollars that...
  13. Kajutyun

    ‘No coup in sight, but we may prepare conditions for one’

    Why are their so many critics of the AKP? Wasn't it under their leadership that Turkey became an economic power, and isn't it under their administration that Turkey embraces Islam (which, from what I understand, many other Muslim nations appreciate seeing as previous administrations were...
  14. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    Honestly I could care less about the relationship between Turks and other Turks. What you and others have been saying in this thread is that Turkey will intervene if Azerbaijan is threatened (or something of that variation). Good for you. Edit: Actually, I don't believe you. Give me one...
  15. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    Seriously? That bears no significance. Armenians and Greeks are very close, but is the Greek military going to intervene on Armenia's behalf in case of war? Of course not. Why would you say that Turkey would intervene on Azerbaijan's behalf? You have no basis for such a claim.
  16. Kajutyun

    Azeri Drones on ‘Spy Missions’ along Iran Border

    Krunk UAV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Only non-Armenian source I know of. They were also extensively used in CSTO "Interaction" excercise in Armenia in 2012. I can probably answer any questions that you might have about it though.
  17. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    Could you explain what "One Nation Two States" actually means? I hear it all the time, but the only Turkish Azeri cooperation I know of is commercial. Are there really any strategic relations, other than nominal ones, such as Turkey saying Karabakh is Azeri and, and defense pacts that may or may...
  18. Kajutyun

    Azeri Drones on ‘Spy Missions’ along Iran Border

    So...have the drones actually crossed into Iranian or Karabakhi airspace? If not, then I don't see what the issue is. Armenian drones regularly monitor the front line from our own airspace.
  19. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    HAHAHAHA you have not addressed a single one of my points. You know it is true. Don't worry, when your country collapses in ten years time, you can come to Armenia as a guest worker and maybe apply for citizenship later.
  20. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

    @ASQ-1918...I have a strong feeling that you are not located in Azerbaijan. You are probably just some "patriotic" armchair warrior If you are in Azerbaijan, then you must know that the only reason you have a computer(or anything else for that matter) is because of sheer luck, that your country...
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